night stalker Archives

'Night Stalker' Netflix Series Gave Audiences Glimpse At Evil: Review
In the Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer series by Netflix, the four episodes brought together with interviews, real footage, and honest conversations on being a survivor of such horror The Netflix series followed similar footsteps of other docuseries' conducted by the platform such as The Keepers and Evil Genius[...]
The Crimes Of The 'Night Stalker' Are Retold In A New Netflix Trailer
*Content Warning: Sexual Assault/Rape* In the summer of 1985, Los Angeles experienced the peak of chaotic evil, Richard Ramirez, the 'Night Stalker'.  From the end of 1984 through the summer of '85, Ramirez would end up turning from petty theft to homicide Netflix has pieced together survivor, detective, and local authorities' accounts of the terrifying[...]