NYCC Archives

All The Exclusive NYCC Comics Selling For Over $20
There are plenty of comic books and exclusive variants made available just to people who went to New York Comic Con. Here are a few sales over the last few days on eBay… Robyn Hood I Love NY #5 CGC 9.9 REMARKED NYCC exclusive FADE variant – GREG HORN  $882.00 Rick and Morty #1 NYCC CGC SS 9.8 signed[...]
Diversity Wins Big At New York Comic Con
In fact, I would later find that there were even more panels on LGBTQ, diversity and empowerment than could all be listed in that leaflet alone. I remember the first time I attended a NYCC and there only being one LGBTQ panel at the show This time, there seemed to be two a day, at least! Which[...]
Fashion, Comics And The Rise Of Geek Chic At New York Comic Con
By Ale Bodden NYCC Day 3, I sat through a panel discussing geek fashion and comics, and fashion in comics I tend to not be too happy after panels like these, but this year NYCC had a surprise in store for me: I actually really, genuinely enjoyed this panel Hosted by Danielle Colman, and joining her[...]
ComiXology Unlimited: Starter Pack At New York Comic Con
By Ale Bodden On Saturday, Day 3 at NYCC, I was able to sit through another Comixology panel I love coming to their panels ever year—they always seem to give good recommendations on what to read if you want to start reading comic books, or what to read after you are done reading something you like[...]
Hosted By Hell's Kitchen For NYCC 2016
by Chuck Brouillette  As fellow Bleeding Cool reporter, Joe Glass, and Bleeding Cool Operations Manager, Dan Celko, can attest, our mutual accommodations during NYCC last year were less than stellar So when I was making arrangements for housing during this year's event I figured that booking a room in Hell's Kitchen could only be a step up. Hell's[...]
G-Fuel Kept Us Alive At NYCC
So, to achieve that end, I will take just about any means. This year, NYCC did away with their "empire stage", and used that space as an extension to the show floor, providing more room for exhibitors  After wearily walking down there to check it out, my eyes were drawn to these tubs of liquid that[...]
Ten Of The Best Show Exclusives From New York Comic Con, In The Flesh
By Brian Goldberg NYCC wouldn't be NYCC if it wasn't full of exclusives from various exhibitors drawing attention to their brands Bandai, Funko, Marvel, Mezco Toyz, and Valiant had some stand out swag that stood apart from the rest. Bloodshot #14 Jason David Frank Photo Variant (Valiant) Right before NYCC it was announced that Jason David Frank would[...]
A Comic Creator Resigns After Sexual Harassment Allegations Made
I mean…what's the opposite of shocked? Not shocked? There we go. — Ryan Higgins (@RyanHigginsRyan) October 11, 2016 IDW did not respond to questions asked about this situation, but the proximity to NYCC may be an issue here Jim Thompson's The Killer Inside Me #3 is published next week. Devin Faraci is best known as a film[...]
129 Things We Learned At New York Comic Con 2016
The NYCC wi-fi, this year, was sent from the gods The hardest working, most reliable, freest, no password login, bestest ever wi-fi that a comic book convention has ever enjoyed, for all 180,000+ attendees – those that realised that is, and didn't just assume it would be terrible.. 2 Thursday is the new Saturday Though strangely[...]
How Real Is Too Real? From Alex Ross To Cosplay At NYCC
And there are The Loyal Pals, those who seem to have the heart, and confidence, and 'look' better suited to modeling a particular super-talented crafters wares. It's all great, as much as it can get super crazy to navigate through and around at an event like NYCC 2016. But as a non-participant in this forum myself, I[...]
Lying In The Gutters – The Late Post-NYCC Version
Today We Say Goodbye To A Much Loved Walking Dead Character (SPOILERS) 2. Justice League Vs Suicide Squad #1 Cover – Looks Like There's Some Explaining To Do Here [Spoiler]  3. What Happens When A Slave Leia Cosplay Designer Starts Doubting The Holocaust? 4. JonBoy Meyers Walks Off DC Rebirth Teen Titans Over "Creative Differences" 5. Final Fantasy XV Is A Hot Mess[...]
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List 10th October 2016 – Batman Yes, Champions No
Also a renewed interest in Fantastic Four; since customers can't get new adventures of Marvel's first super-team, they've started buying back issues. Well,Batman was the "Champion" of the week since it was the only title to crack the century mark.few other books did pretty well and the week was good for sales since all the publishers[...]