phoenix Archives

ComicsPRO Treasurer Resigns Over 'Certain Financial Improprieties'
It is recommended that members utilize discretion with regards to this situation, especially this early into the process. Dills was not only treasurer of ComicsPRO, but according to founder Amanda Emmert, "my best friend Gary Dills, of Phoenix Comics (which later became Laughing Ogre Comics) funded the nascent organization, helped me construct the initial bylaws, and helped[...]
After The Eurovision Song Contest There Is Only One Response…
Thanks to Manolis Vamvounis… Rise Like A Phoenix! Thanks to Manolis Vamvounis… Rise Like A Phoenix! Thanks to Manolis Vamvounis… Rise Like A Phoenix! Thanks to Manolis Vamvounis… Rise Like A Phoenix! Thanks to Manolis Vamvounis… Rise Like A Phoenix! Thanks to Manolis Vamvounis… Rise Like A Phoenix! Thanks to Manolis Vamvounis… Rise Like A[...]
When Kitty Pryde Picked Up The Idiot Ball
You know, due to Phoenix stuff mass murder and genocide, end of the universe whatsits They've killed her family, and they've attacked her repeatedly in her adult form in a very public fashion. And here they get a chance to deal with Jean Grey before she becomes the Phoenix. Yes, Kitty Pryde, absolute genius and one of[...]
Phoenix Comic Launches App, With Free Issue. You Know, For Kids.
Bleeding Cool has been repeatedly praising Phoenix Comic, a weekly anthology comic for kids sold in Britain Indeed we've suggested that if you know kids in the UK that don;'read Phoenix, it's tantamount to neglect not to let them read Phoenix. Well now I'm taking that international As Phoenix Comic has launched a newiOS  app, with[...]
The Best Comic Book Present You Can Give Children This Christmas
The Phoenix Weekly comic book is, basically, the best comic book ever created for children Better than The Eagle, better then Tiger, better than early 2000AD, better thanArchie Comics, better than Adventure Time and, yes, better than My Little Pony An anthology with a massive range of comics and comic styles, all creted by extremely[...]
The Phoenix Zombie Walk
Alex Wilson writes for Bleeding Cool; Phoenix Zombie Walk took place Saturday, October 27th, and this was the fourth year for the event The event has evolved into more than just an average zombie walk to more of a zombie state fair with retailers, food, live music, and a fun family friendly area. The walk took place[...]
Gosh Comics Through November…
But if you you need an extra special reason to go, here are a few. Tonight at 7.30pm they are hosting a talk with Oliver Jeffers for Neither Here Nor There. On Friday the 12th, they are launching the book and the exhibition of famed cartoonist Steven Appleby's Guide To Life. With the Phoenix comic, they have a[...]
Between The Pages: Grace Randolph And Sam Cross On Dark Cyclops
Will he ever be forgiven for the death of Professor X? Will Scott Summers and Emma Frost ever kiss again? And is Dark Cyclops a better idea than the Phoenix Five? For Pete's sake, let's hope this doesn't bring about the return of Jean Grey! Did you enjoy Avengers vs X-Men issue 11? [youtube][/youtube] Think About[...]
The Biggest Avengers Vs X-Men Spoiler We Can Find
Dark Phoenix. What is it with the Summers clan, eh? Always ends in one way. You know, I'd actually like to write a What If… The Avengers Didn't Fight The X-Men in which, without Captain America getting all pig headed, the Phoenix powered X-Men actually did build a Utopia on earth, and didn't get all corrupted, along[...]
Ooh Look, She's Back
Here's a promo picture for the final issues of Avengers Vs X-Men. I mean, it could be Hope I suppose. But...
Will Bunker's Boyfriend Turn Out To Be Vibe?
Could it be? In other just-as-relevant tweet news, regarding Avengers Vs X-Men,  @cathode_debris pointed out to Matt Fraction that he had " just realised first names of the Phoenix Five spell P.E.N.I.S" Peter, Emma, Namor, Illyana, Scott… blimey. It's the Ethan Van Sciver/Grant Morrison Sex-Men scandal all over again!   [...]
Marvel Now Bring You The Return Of Jean Grey
It had been speculated widely that the original Marvel Girl, Jean Grey, later Phoenix and ex-wife of Cyclops, may return at the end of Avengers Vs X-Men What with all that Phoenix shenanigans and all. Well, in the most recent digital issue, Cyclops even built a walking, talking simulacrum of the woman to have a bit of a chat with[...]
Marvelman Comes To Avengers Vs X-Men?
We have the five recipients of the Phoenix Force beginning to transform the Earth And how. If last issue of Avengers Vs X-Men #5 felt like a damp squib, this does not This is a story of five gods on Earth, and the Avengers trying to bring those Gods down, with Barack Obama on their side[...]
Talking To Jessica Nigri About Cosplay
She recently graced the cover of Zenescope's Grimm Fairy Tales Oversized Cosplay Special at Phoenix Comicon I asked her today after all the hustle this weekend at the Phoenix Con to talk about what she has going on and were she started from. Tell us were you are from originally? I was born in Reno but grew[...]
The Rise Of The Phoenix Comicon
Jesse James attended the Phoenix Comic Con for Bleeding Cool In pieces… The Phoenix might be returning in the New series Avengers versus X-Men this year  However, the Phoenix arrived this past weekend in Arizona and its here to stay for decades to come. This weekend I got to do something that is very rare in this industry[...]
Keu Cha, Hex: The Lost Tribe And Phoenix Comic Con
He's exhibiting at Phoenix Comic Con, and easly found – right next to the line for George Perez If you like good comics art and you're at the show, take the chance to walk by his booth You won't regret it… [youtube][/youtube]   Keu Cha, best known for his work with Dale Keown on The Darkness, is[...]
Phoenix Comic Con Day One The show started yesterday afternoon with a healthy turnout and a real party atmosphere that went well into the
Ninety Minutes Before Phoenix Comic Con Opened
Phoenix Comic Con is now open But I had a little wander around the queue ninety minute before it did open, and a peek inside the venue itself Why not join me? Phoenix Comic Con is now open But I had a little wander around the queue ninety minute before it did open, and a[...]
Baseball And Cosplay, The Perfect Combination
The day before the Phoenix Comic Con, Phoenix baseball team the Diamondbacks played the Los Angeles Dodgers, and won But also had quite a lot of cosplay action to deal with… #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ [...]
Final Voting For The Bleeding Cool Fan Awards At Phoenix Comic Con
On Wednesday I am getting up at 4am to fly to Phoenix (via Chicago) for the Phoenix Comic Con Where not only will we be launching the Bleeding Cool Magazine, but on Friday evening, hosting the Bleeding Cool Fan Awards. Voting closes tomorrow, and some of the categories are too close to call This is your[...]
Joe Quesada, Joss Whedon And Colossus
Joe Quesada, on defending his decision to publish Spider-Men, when previously he'd said such an Ultimate/616 crossover would mean Marvel was officially
Thor Vs Glowing Female Genitalia?
Thank you for all those who wrote to me after seeing the cover to Avengers Vs X-Men #4 as Thor trying to face down Phoenix, as man trying to face his fear of a glowing vagina. I don't know, it may be reaching I know that the X-Men's Dark Phoenix Saga has been described as a[...]
The Phoenix – The Saviour Of British Comic Books
Not by Marvel, DC, Archie, not from the staples of DC Thomson, Titan, Panini or IPC in the UK, and no, not 2000AD. But every week she's been reading The Phoenix A heady mixture of original comic strips, comedy, action adventure, and in disprate styles, with activities and games to boot And it's wornderful On sale[...]
Wolverine And The X-Men Brings Us A Brand New Day Of Future Past
All X-Men, Quentin wearing a Phoenix image, Kid Gladiator looking like his dad, Broo still in the X-Men, Idie having problems with her costume and moths, and Quentin and Idie… I love this comic Best X-Men in years. Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics of London – whose tenth anniversary new website will be going live any day[...]