Our next Hunter is from the 2009 film Predators The Berserker is back and now donning some camouflage with translucent plastic The Predator will also some with a nice spine accessory to show off his newest trophy.
Just like most of Hiya Toys 1/18th scale figure, these are listed as PX Exclusives The best way to[...]
predators Archives
They have announced that two new PX Exclusive figures are heading our way from the 1986 film Aliens and the 2010 film Predators We are seeing one of the hunters from the game preserve return with a new Falconer variant This variant features a new camouflage design with green, brown, and tan translucent colors He[...]
Hiya Toys has unleashed more Predators into the hunt as we are taking a look back again at the 2009 film Predators Two more Predators are using technological advantage as they hunt on their space game preserve The Berserker and Tracker Predators are here with specialized camo variants The first is the Active Camouflage Berserker[...]
The last figure is for their Predators line as the Crucified Predator gets a new look This armored predator is packed with just as much detail as the rest but is slightly tweaked enough to make it "new" All of these figures are priced at $19.99 and pre-orders for these Hiya Toys figures and more[...]
Hiya Toys has been increasing its ranks for their Predators and RoboCop figure lines It looks like each line will be getting a new additional figure that will be a Previews exclusive First up is a new Predator from the 2010 film, this time an Unmasked Berseker enters the hunt This figure is packed with detail, is[...]
With recent releases like (2010) Predators and (2018) The Predator we have seen a whole new infrastructure of their species Predators is what really changed the game by showing us new armor and how they hunted One of the creatures from that one is called the Crucified Predator and he will be the next figure[...]
The next two figures are from the 2011 Predators film, The film that really changed the alien mythos Next up is the Tracker, who is packed with detail and is fully poseable He does have a unique paint and styling we are unused to The mask that this one wears is definitely unique featuring some sort[...]
Predators are one of the most iconic aliens brought to us by pop culture His on screen debut in 1987 going against Arnold Schwarzenegger was a thrill The status quo of these hunters changed in Predator 2, by showing there was more then one and then in 2010 the film Predators showcased a whole new variety of[...]