Rarity Showcase Archives

Magic: The Gathering Rarities: Magic's 1996 World Champion Card
Hello and welcome, players, collectors, and fans of all things Magic: The Gathering! We have covered quite a bit in the "Rarity Showcase" series We've looked at the cards that celebrate company achievements, and the myriad major life events of its creator Today, we are starting to look at something quite a bit different: cards that[...]
Magic: The Gathering Rarities: Terry Garfield's "Splendid Genesis"
This Magic: The Gathering Rarity Showcase article will delve into what we know about Splendid Genesis, one of the cards designed by Dr Richard Garfield, Ph.D to commemorate important events in his life and the lives of those around him This one, in particular, looks at the birth of his first child, a daughter named Terry[...]
Magic: The Gathering Rarities: Richard Garfield's Marriage Cards
In the cases we will be discussing in this and the next few Magic: The Gathering Rarity Showcases, we will be focusing on the life event commemoration cards created by the person who created the game, Richard Garfield, Ph.D. Today, we will be talking about the card that focuses on his proposal to Lily Wu. The[...]