red sonja Archives

FOC Cover Stories From Boom and Dynamite - From Red Sonja to Red Mother
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Today sees the release of Dark Agnes #1 from Becky Cloonan and Luca Pizzari, and taking the Robert E Howard 16th century French character and fashioning her into a Red Sonja-type affair not for the first time this has been done) so they can revive that Conan/Red Sonja chemistry for subsequent Serpent-based crossovers And just[...]
Tomorrow, Red Sonja Discovers Cheeseburgers – and Claims Them All
Vampirella/Red Sonja #2 is out tomorrow from Jordie Bellaire and Drew Moss, with colours and letters by the Double Rebecca team of Rebecca Nalty and Becca Carey and published by Dynamite In which Red Sonja, brought to the modern-ish age finds herself bathed, towelled and in bed surrounded by cheeseburgers She has never had a[...]
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Picking up a copy of Red Sonja Birth of She-Devil #4… …and, as he tells me, noticing that the cover by Lucio Parrillo looked oddly familiar And recognised an older photo of cosplayer and adult model Vera Bambi. Here's an interstitial… Separated At Birth used to be called Swipe File, in which we presented two or more images[...]
Auto Draft
Red Sonja the She-Devil with a Vengence is here once again to kick ass and take some names This time with the help of Studio 1, she is getting an amazing statue treatment Two statues are coming out of Prime 1 Studios, a normal and a deluxe version First, we have the normal version, it[...]
Jill Soloway to Replace Bryan Singer as the Director of "Red Sonja"
To say that people were not exactly thrilled when it was announced that Bryan Singer was going to direct the Red Sonja movie It wasn't that surprising that the production never seemed to get off of the ground Singer's name and reputation could potentially poison the entire movie before they even started pre-production There were[...]
Three Comcis Parody Red Sonja This Week - One Of Them Is Red Sonja
What with Marvel Comics giving Conan a big push of late, it's natural that a related comic that they don't have the US rights to, Red Sonja, would benefit from that push This week, while Conan pops up in Savage Avengers, a superheroic take on the role of the character, so his paramour Red Sonja[...]
Bryan Singer Reportedly OUT of Millennium Films 'Red Sonja'
Bryan Singer may indeed be officially out of Millennium Films Red Sonja reboot, at least according to a line in a piece from The Hollywood Reporter. Filmmaker Bryan SingerPhoto by Tinseltown / Blink and you'll miss it, but buried down in an expose about CEO and founder of Millennium Films, Avi Lerner, and his role in the[...]
Original Red Sonja Brigitte Nielsen Has Some Opinions on Bryan Singer
Woe to the film studio *cough* Millennium Films *cough* who decided having Bryan Singer direct a new version of Red Sonja was a good idea Seriously, why in the WORLD would you pick Singer, who was fired from the now multi Oscar-winning Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, and is responsible for some of the weakest superhero adaptation[...]
Mastering the Self-Cooking-Cow in This Red Sonja #1 Preview
This week sees a reboot of Red Sonja by Mark Russell and Mirko Colak. And in a preview of Wednesday's Red Sonja #1, we learn that Stygia has a new ruler, the Divine Emperor Dragan the Magnificent And Dragan has some bad news for the former king… He also has designs on conquering Hykrania next, and for[...]
Red Sonja Making Up Limericks for Series Finale on Wednesday
Tomorrow sees the release of Red Sonja #25, the final issue in this series before Sonja is rebooted under the pen of Mark Russell, the pencil of Mirko Colak, the photoshop brushes of Dearbhla Kelly, and the speech bubble vectors of Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou But first, we get one more issue by Amy Chu, Erik Burnham, and[...]
This Week's Red Sonja #23 Reveals Why You Should Never Trust a God
Red Sonja may soon be getting the reboot treatment, but the current ongoing series is still happening with a new issue hitting stores on Wednesday And there are still some lessons to be learned from the comic, such as this week's Red Sonja #23, which teaches an important lesson: never trust a god. In the issue,[...]
Bryan Singer
It would appear that Bryan Singer, who was fired by 20th Century Fox from his last directorial gig, will be getting a hefty directorial payday for helming Red Sonja for Millenium Films. Credit: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) According to a source, The Hollywood Reporter says that Singer will be paid $10 Million for his work[...]
Bryan Singer
In today's BUT FREAKING WHY news, it would appear that Bryan Singer is currently in talks to direct the upcoming live-action feature film adaptation of Red Sonja from Millennium. Credit: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) This is troubling news, to say the least, considering Singer's recent firing from 20th Century Fox due to his mismanagement of[...]
Red Sonja #20 cover by Babs Tarr
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Red Sonja and her allies have found Lord Skath, the previous owner of her sword She asks why he hasn't retrieved his blade in the past, and Skath explains what he has done in the time since losing it He wants to take his land back from the man who took it, Sandak[...]
Red Sonja/Tarzan #4 cover by Aaron Lopresti
Elsewhere in K'Hal, Tarzan and Red Sonja seek out the Traveler, the woman who gave Sonja her sword When they find the Traveler, they are more troubled than relieved Soon, the two heroes find Eson Duul once again, and the final battle begins. Red Sonja/Tarzan #4 cover by Aaron Lopresti Red Sonja/Tarzan #4 is a setup issue[...]
gail simone Red Sonja/Tarzan #4
Gail Simone has a Writer's Commentary on the recently released Red Sonja/Tarzan #4, on sale now from Dynamite She writes: Okay, I again want to thank everyone who has been following this book and reading my little commentaries We don't always get to focus on these little details, but they're a big part of what makes[...]
Red Sonja/Tarzan #3 cover by Aaron Lopresti
Back in London, Red Sonja and Tarzan hope to receive help from H.G Wells and his time machine Sonja may have an item that can help them track down Duul where and whenever he is. Red Sonja/Tarzan #3 cover by Aaron Lopresti Red Sonja/Tarzan #3 boosts the tension with Eson Duul's attack on Korak and his family[...]
Writer's Commentary: Erik Burnham Talks Red Sonja Vol. 4 #17
Dynamite has sent us a writer's commentary from Erik Burnham on Red Sonja Vol 4 #17 This issue had Daniel HDR doing the interiors and covers by Mike McKone, Tula Lotay and Jordan Gunderson. * * * * * Heya folks, welcome to another Red Sonja commentary Erik Burnham here, and we're switching things up on the art side[...]
Read Red Sonja #7 and Check Out the Red Sonja Tarot Cards
Today is the last day for the Red Sonja Tarot Card Kickstarter campaign, which has already more than met it's goal, but offers a really good deal on the cards prior to them being solicited With about an hour to go, Dynamite has sent us a free Red Sonja comic to share as an incentive[...]
Dynamite Unveils Red Sonja Tarot Card Deck
Dynamite is doing another tarot card deck, this time with art from Red Sonja I think this is a really nice way to give fans access to some of the most iconic images of the character in a unique medium Plus tarot cards are fun to pull out at a party and read for friends[...]