Rokaplay Archives

Rokaplay Announces Lou's Lagoon During Gamescom 2022
Indie developer and publisher Rokaplay revealed their next title at Gamescom 2022 as we're getting the cozy adventure game Lou's Lagoon In what feels like a game that was heavily influenced by the cartoon TailSpin, you will be the captain of a cargo plane in charge of picking up and delivering cargo and letters to[...]
Spells & Secrets Shows Off Co-Op Mode In Latest Trailer
Alchemist Interactive and Rokaplay have unveiled the latest trailer for Spells & Secrets as they show off more of the game's co-op mode You honestly don't really get much out of the trailer as the team has only provided about 30 seconds' worth of content to look at, but at least you get a sense[...]
Auto Draft
Indie publisher Rokaplay announced that their upcoming game Super Dungeon Maker will be coming to Steam Early Access this week Developed by Firechick, this is no ordinary adventure or RPG title, as you will be dictating the dungeons you choose to go through You will pick however many of everything you want to take on,[...]