Stargate Universe, otherwise known to fans as SGU, is an enigma to the franchise as the shortest-lived series lasting only 40 episodes over two seasons on SYFY from 2009-2011, nowhere near its predecessors in SG-1 enjoyed 10 seasons and its first spinoff in Atlantis lasted five Sidewalks Entertainment spoke to two of its core cast[...]
SGU Archives
Even though the Universe budget was healthier than Atlantis or SG-1, you would eat up a lot of that budget just by virtue of…being such a huge cast and the amazing visual effects."
SGU, which starred Robert Carlyle, Louis Ferreira, Brian J Smith, Elyse Levesque, David Blue, Alaina Huffman, Jamil Walker Smith, Peter Kelamis, Patrick Gilmore,[...]
Stargate cast and crew from SG-1, Atlantis and Universe posted touching tributes to the late Cliff Simon, who played the villain Ba'al.