The film follows Hannah (Stacey Weckstein), a mother who notices the symptoms of a terminal and painful illness in her aloof daughter, Esme (Audrey Grace Marshall) She takes her on a trip to their abandoned family farm in a desperate attempt to connect before they have to say goodbye Wolfe spoke to Bleeding Cool about[...]
Stacey Weckstein Archives
Stacey Weckstein is always looking for a new challenge as an actress, given her roles in shorts and television, with memorable roles in 2018's The Sound of Your Voice and the comedy series UDrive Me In the mother-daughter thriller Esme, My Love, she plays Hannah, a mother who notices the symptoms of a terminal and[...]
Taking upon that experience along with his time producing, translated to directing his mother-daughter thriller in Terror Films' Esme, My Love, which follows Hannah (Stacey Weckstein), who notices the symptoms of a terminal and painful illness in her aloof daughter, Esme (Audrey Grace Marshall) She decides to take her on a trip to their abandoned[...]