Tarisland Archives

Tarisland Has Opened Pre-Registrations For The Official Launch
Indie game publisher Locojoy Games revealed this week that they will be releasing their upcoming game Tarisland for both PC and mobile platforms You can sign up on the game's official website, as they are taking names for PC and mobile devices However, no official date has been set for the game They are having milestones for[...]
Tarisland Has Been Announced For Both PC & Mobile
LocoJoy Games confirmed today that they will be holding a Closed Beta for their upcoming mobile game Tarisland, set to launch on June 27th The upcoming cross-platform MMORPG will launch it specifically for Android testing in select regions, including Brazil, Canada, the Philippines, and the United Kingdom, while PC players will be able to participate[...]
Tarisland Has Been Announced For Both PC & Mobile
Indie game publisher Locojoy Games revealed this week that they will be releasing their upcoming game Tarisland for both PC and mobile platforms In case you haven't seen this one yet, this is a brand-new MMORPG set in a fantasy land where you'll have the freedom to go anywhere and do anything in a rich[...]