1BR starring Nicole Brydon Bloom, Giles Matthey, Taylor Nichols, Alan Blumenfeld, Celeste Sully, Susan Davis, Clayton Hoff, and Earnestine Phillips hits VOD streaming on April 24th The soundtrack by Ronen Landa releases everywhere you can stream music on April 29th.
1BR is a new horror film from Dark Sky Films following a girl named Sarah, who leaves behind[...]
Taylor Nichols Archives
1BR- David Marmor – Director
1BR starring Nicole Brydon Bloom, Giles Matthey, Taylor Nichols, Alan Blumenfeld, Celeste Sully, Susan Davis, Clayton Hoff, and Earnestine Phillips hits VOD streaming on April 24th.
1BR looks like a fun horror/thriller from Dark Sky Films In it, a woman leaves her troubled past behind for the bright lights of Hollywood[...]