the division Archives

The 2017 Nordic Game Awards Give INSIDE The Top Prize
Twenty games were nominated in eight different categories, including Best Art, Best Game Design, Best Debut, and Nordic Game of the Year. The category winners of the 2017 Nordic Game Awards are as follows: Nordic Game of the Year INSIDE by Playdead Other finalists included: Battlefield 1 (EA DICE) Clash Royale (Supercell) Hitman(IO Interactive) Owlboy (D-Pad Studio)  Tom Clancy's The Division (Massive Entertainment) Nordic Game[...]
The Division's Free Weekend Is Starting Early
Today, Ubisoft announced that Tom Clancy's The Division will be kicking off a free weekend from May 4 until May 7 on Windows PC, and until May 8 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players. Players will be able to access the games on each platform during the following times: Xbox One: 04/05 at 7AM UTC to 08/05 at  7AM UTC. PlayStation 4: 04/05 at 7AM UTC[...]
The Division Will Be Getting Two Free Updates This Year
We've just about hit the one year mark for Tom Clancy's The Division and the game's developer Massive is looking to expand the game by releasing two free expansions for the Division in the game's second year. The creative director on the game, Julian Gerighty, spoke with GameRant about the plan in a recent interview. "We are looking to[...]
The Division Got An 8.5GB Update Today Along With DLC And A Free Trial
Ubisoft released a major free patch today (update 1.6 for those keeping track) for The Division which totals at 8.5 GB Yeah, 8.5 Gigs for an update The massive file will add a new Legendary difficulty, new Dark Zone areas, new character customization options, more contamination events, and weapon balance changes. The third DLC: Last Stand is available alongside[...]
The Division Underground Expansion Announced At Xbox E3 Conference
The Division has been steadily delivering content since it release in new special missions, and extractions all to beef up the game's content However, what it is missing is a massive expansion. That is why it is unsurprising that we got a new announcement at Microsoft's E3 Press Conference Debuting here, to be fleshed out at[...]
The 25 Best Games Already Out This Year
Nothing like commanding a Sabertooth to murder a man. The Division The Division has a tone to it, and it is one that takes place in a beautiful but ravaged New York It's an interesting premise and location experience, wrapped in Destiny type play It's big, messy, complicated and interesting From the Stellar Dark Zone mode, to the[...]
Tom Clancy's The Division Review – Long Division Is Hard
Truth be told, The Division has never grabbed me by the collar as it's clearly wanted to Perhaps it was the 'MMO-lite' structure set in a 'realistic' setting that never caught my imagination, or perhaps the crushingly glib trailers, which have focused nearly exclusively on human misery that shut me off It's hard to say[...]
The Division Is The Most Successful Ubisoft Launch Ever
I'm still making my way through The Division for review, but I know a lot of people have been out in the abandoned Manhattan, working their way through looters in the name of the re-finding society. And how do I know that? Well because the game is the biggest launch Ubisoft has ever had The publisher[...]
Tom Clancy's The Division Gets A Launch Trailer
Wow, The Division really is in close now isn't it? The game launches next week, after having been promised for nearly three years now Soon we will get to see how this ambitious disaster game comes together To get you all jazzed for the connected RPG shooter, here isa launch trailer, full of complimentary quotes[...]
Take A Look At The Division Running 60fps In New Trailer
The Division is just around the corner now, and people are feeling pretty jazzed about it after well received betas The game looks really pretty too, with some rather stunning environment work clearly going into the title. And, unsurprisingly, it will likely look best on PC That is the entire idea of this new trailer anyways[...]
The Divison Beta Broke Record For Number Of Players
A lot of big titles throw them out, essentially replacing demos in the modern age, while providing developers with useful information. As it turns out, it seems The Division's recent one was very popular indeed Record breakingly popular in fact Ubisoft have revealed that 6.4 million players took part in the beta, which they say makes[...]
The Division Open Beta Confirmed For Next Week
This is just a bit a clean up, since this supposedly leaked last week, but… The Division is getting an open beta next week That means you'll be able to play the game, no matter if you have a pre-order or no matter what system you are on It will kick off for Xbox One users[...]
It Looks Like An Open Beta For The Division Will Run Later This Month
The Division held a pretty well publicized closed beta this weekend I had a code, but never found the time to actually log in and try it out For people like me, and those who didn't get in, there is more hope. As Xbox's Italian facebook page leaked, via VG247, it seems there will be a[...]
The Division PC Specs Have Been Released
Ubisoft have a bit monopoly on big releases early this year, with both Far Cry Primal and The Division coming soon Indeed, I fully expect The Division to be quite a big hit when it first lands too. If you are one of those people intending to pick up The Division on PC, you can check[...]
The Division Announces Live Action Four Part Series With A New Trailer
The Division's marketing is seriously ramping up now, with more and more content hitting daily ahead of the game's March release This game has really snuck up on us, eh? This is something a little different though Ubisoft have just announced a four part live action mini-series for the game that will cover who the Division[...]
Take A Look At The Possible Size Of The Division's Map
Yesterday we found out that Brooklyn won't be a part of The Division en-masse, at least at launch What we have heard though is that the game does use a one to one recreation of New York City for the space it is given. But how big is that space? This video from YouTuber Arekkz should[...]
The Division Wants To Make You Scared Of Your Banknotes In New Ad Campaign
The Division has really pushed the doom and gloom angle of society falling apart in all of its marketing up until this point It's been a real downer for the most part, partially fetishising the grief they've piled onto the game. Ubisoft are really doubling down on that now too, but bringing some of that scare[...]
Watch Footage From The Division Alpha Right Here
Despite The Division being announced three E3s ago, we still haven't seen a ton of footage of the game There is still a lot we don't know about what it 'is' yet, or how exactly it will play. A Beta was delayed into next year recently, but you can get a look at some unbroken footage[...]
The Division Gets Into The Holiday Spirit By Crushing Yours In This New Trailer
The Division has loved piling on the hopelessness and sadness of its game's world since it was announced in 2013 We've seen broken families, hinted at dead children, men killing each other It's all been pretty bleak. Well, this new live action trailer is not letting up, showing how a child's life fell apart as society[...]
Ubisoft Holds Q&A For The Division Revealing Customization And Character Numbers
Adam Cook writes for Bleeding Cool… Ubisoft has taken questions from its fans about upcoming third-person online shooter, The Division, and posted the results in the form of a video. Interestingly, they show the skill tree for the game, reveal you can customise your weapons and more Perhaps most importantly, they reveal you can have up to[...]
The Division Gets A Bleak Narrative Trailer About The Dark Zones
The Division has really leaned into the bleakness of its concept in a big way Every trailer released solely focuses on pain, death, violence and disease to get us to want to buy it. So, what is another snippet of misery onto the pile? This one goes into the context of the Dark Zones, a new[...]
E3: The Division Is Coming In March
The Division has just made its third consecutive appearance at E3, meaning that it's one of the real veterans of the show The MMO type 'thing', is going to take it to you to a disease riddled New York to go fight bad guys and people in a connected world. It looks like the game won't[...]
The Division Has Been Delayed To Early 2016
The Division made it's first appearance two E3s a go In a month time, it will undoubtedly be making it's third You'd think this might mean that we'd be seeing something this year asr the game has been out in the public eye for so long. Sadly, it seems not The game has been pushed back[...]
Take A Peak At The Division's Soundtrack In This Behind The Scenes Video
We don't know an awful lot about The Division whithc is a little worrying, considering the game made its first public appearance two E3s ago Hopefully that will start to ramp up, or at least you'd hope as the game is coning into its third expo. This is at least a start Here is a short[...]
Reference To An Alpha For The Division Has Been Found On Its Website
After data mining The Division's website, Reddit found references to an alpha for the game There is nothing on the site on the corresponding pages yet, but that will likely come when it's officially announced. Of course, it could never be officially announced, but the fact there are traces of it on the official website as well[...]