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AEW Dynamite Report – Matt Hardy Apologizes for All Out Incident
Well, All Out… was a good PPV, overshadowed by some problems. I talked about it at length, but I'm ready to move on. And I bet AEW is too. Good thing tonight is AEW Dynamite!
AEW Dynamite Report for September 9th, 2020 Part 1
Tony Schiavone, earlier today, welcomes us to Dynamite. MJF and Chris Jericho each pull up outside Daily's Place in black SUVs. They compliment each other's matches from All Out. Jericho says MJF was robbed by Jon Moxley. But Jericho guarantees MJF will be the AEW Champion very soon. MJF says that coming from a legend like Jericho means a lot to him. MJF says the fact that Jericho had to even touch, much less lose to Orange Cassidy, is criminal. MJF says Jericho will one day regain his AEW Championship. They wish each other well tonight… Then, in a split-screen, as they walk away, call each other losers.
Well, that was a cold open. The Dynamite theme plays, and we see the packed (to 10% capacity) Daily's Place. Lucha Bros and Jurassic Express are in the ring. Eddie Kingston, The Butcher, and The Blade are at ringside to support the Lucha Bros, and Marko Stunt is there to support Jurassic Express.
Lucha Bros vs. Jurassic Express
- Well, we have another one of those situations here, where both of these teams badly need to actually win a match, but only one can.
- It's also one of those situations where we get a great match to open Dynamite.
- Most of the match consists of Jungle Boy getting beat up by Lucha Bros until he eventually gets the tag to Luchasaurus. Then Luchasaurus does some ass-kicking. Then we have the obligatory part of the match where all four men are in the ring, ignoring the rules, and hitting moves.
- For the finish, Lucha Bros hit the foot stomp piledriver on Jungle Boy, but he shockingly kicks out. Then they try to do an assisted Destroyer, but Jungle Boy dodges, and Penta hits it on Rey Fenix instead. Jungle Boy pins Phoenix.
There's some tension between the bros after the match, but Eddie Kingston jumps in the ring to talk some sense into them. He asks why they screwed up during the Casino Battle Royale (to be fair, who could tell what was going on during that match?). He demands Fenix and Penta shake hands. But Penta shoves Fenix instead. Could we be about to get singles runs for these guys? Kingston is trying desperately to keep them together. He eventually gets them to shake hands.
Then, Kingston points out he was never eliminated from the Battle Royale, referencing the fact that he went under the bottom rope, not over the top. I have no idea whether that was a mistake or not because that match was a clusterf**k.
Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony show us some clips from All Out and then run through tonight's card, which is stacked. And perhaps the most anticipated segment is the Matt Hardy promo, which is coming up after the next set of commercials. But before that, a video filmed in an alleyway in the rain.
Jake Roberts cuts a promo with Lance Archer. I think he does the rap from Rapture by Blondie. Something about eating cars and guitars or something. Archer chimes in. He says he's gonna be the new champ, essentially. It's weird to hear him talk instead of Jake, but probably for the best given Jake's newfound interest in dadaist promos. Dynamite takes a commercial break.
Matt Hardy comes out to the ring. See? He always walks that way. In case you've been living under a rock, Hardy cracked his head on the concrete in a table spot at All Out, which sucked. Then Aubrey Edwards called off the match, which was understandable. Then AEW restarted the match, which was very stupid and enraged the internet, overshadowing the rest of the PPV.
Matt thanks the crowd for cheering him; he starts talking about how good it is to have fans back, but the fans interrupt with a Hardy chant. Hardy thanks the crowd for being a part of AEW's magic, and then he thanks all the people watching at home. He brings up his fall at All Out and how it frightened people. But the outpouring of love and support has been humbling and mindblowing. Hardy thanks everyone again.
He says that after a myriad of tests, he's expected to make a full recovery. He says he's not gonna claim to be the toughest man alive. He's the luckiest man. He mentions his family. He points to Reby, who's in the audience, with their newest kid. Then he calls out his other two kids at home. He apologizes for putting them through that on Saturday. And he apologizes to all the fans who were worried about him too.
Hardy says the Broken Rules match wasn't what he wanted it to be, but maybe it's for the best since it could have escalated even further and someone could have been really hurt. Now it's time for Hardy to get healthy and then go after the AEW Championship. He says his journey isn't over, and a big part is because of all the fans. Without them, there'd be no him. Fans are the best. Everyone claps for each other. What a happy moment!
Well, Hardy, and AEW, nailed that promo, to the extent it was possible. What's important is moving on from that and learning a lesson from it, which hopefully is the plan.
Angelico comes to the ring. Then Orange Cassidy does.
Angelico vs. Orange Cassidy
- Cassidy must still be fired up from Saturday because he's not doing his usual shtick. He's kicking ass instead.
- It's basically a squash, and Cassidy wins with the Orange Punch.
The refs talk about Chris Jericho awakening something in Orange Cassidy, so that's the story here, I guess. Jericho made him no longer a slacker. Santana and Ortiz run out and beat down Cassidy after the match, but Best Friends run out and make the save. Chuck Taylor calls them ding dongs and complains about the attack and the van-dalism. He challenges them to a parking lot brawl next week on Dynamite. Trent says they're not coming to hug each other or have fun next week. They're coming to hurt Proud and Powerful and make his momma proud. Look, everyone is serious now.
Best Friends and Orange Cassidy do the hug. Dynamite takes a commercial break, but after that break, we'll find out who Kip Sabian's best man will be. Well, I'll find out. You'll have to click through to part two of this report.