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Always Sunny: McElhenney, "Other Guy" Pitch Dolly Parton on "Wrexham"

Rob McElhenney ("Always Sunny") and Ryan Reynolds ("Deadpool") went an interesting route to pitch Dolly Parton on FX's Welcome to Wrexham.

When it comes to our coverage of Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, Glenn Howerton, Kaitlin Olson & Danny DeVito– starring It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, we also extend it to the other projects that The Gang works on outside of Paddy's. In the case of FX's Welcome to Wrexham, it also helps that Wrexham AFC co-owner Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool & Wolverine) has a close past connection with co-owner/friend McElhenney and the long-running FXX series (more on that in a minute). Add into the mix an update that involves the amazingly awesome Dolly Parton (the savior of Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and there's no way that we could resist. In the video above, Parton shares about learning that she has some Welsh branches on her family tree and how flattered she was to have received a gift from the "Welsh Board of Tourism & Docu-Dramas" (hmmm…) – but it becomes pretty apparent that the "gift" was actually from McElhenney and Reynolds. Their goal? To see if Parton would support their Emmy Award-winning docuseries about her recently-realized home country. Thankfully, Parton already knew "Mac" (a great moment) and seemed impressed with what she saw. Just don't push it when it comes to the theme song, Reynolds…

always sunny
Image: Ryan Reynolds YouTube Screencap

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia/Ryan Reynolds Connections

In the following puppy-fueled Buzzfeed Celeb interview, McElhenney and Reynolds answer questions while surrounded by the joy of puppies (who apparently have very full bladders). At one point, Reynolds is asked if he would ever appear on FXX's long-running (and record-setting) comedy. Saying he was "personally offended that I was never asked," Reynolds offered a "Hell, yes" and reminded McElhenney that they discussed him making a cameo in the past. Answering that "it can be arranged," McElhenney came up with what could be the best role possible: "Mac needs a boyfriend," before looking directly at Reynolds… with a "Great!" from Reynolds in response (beginning at 3:20 mark).

Previously, the folks over at FX Networks and the "Always Sunny" Instagram accounts shared a look at Reynolds visiting Paddy's (or the set… or a set… you know what we mean), which was a nice way to dump more fuel on our dumpster fire of random speculation.

always sunny
Image: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia IG Stories Screencap

Here's a look at the brief clip, but it was just enough to convince us that not only should Reynolds play Mac's (McElhenney) boyfriend, but he should also turn out to be Frank's (DeVito) illegitimate son:

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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