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Big Brother Season 23 E09 Recap: A Sparkling Tutu Veto To Remember
The ninth episode of CBS' Big Brother season 23 witnessed a potential crack in the foundation of one alliance and a veto with personal stakes. Spoilers are plentiful and heading your way…so turn back now if you don't want surprises and instead read my past article regarding Xavier's nomination ceremony this season of Big Brother. The emotions were high after Xavier's nomination ceremony, with Britini's tears showing a harsh reality and Brent's obliviousness showing how dumb he can be in the moment. Xavier discussed everything with Britini although it's gonna be hard to gain back trust on that side of things.
The hope for Brent to go out the door is high among Whitney, Derek X, and Hannah. The Joker team's attempt at comforting Britini continues to become difficult for Azah who has alliances outside their circle. Derek F explains his side of things, and honestly, it makes a lot of sense in terms of his worry for Azah getting distracted by Britini's fears instead of the "Cookout" alliance.
The main goal of many houseguests seemed to be keeping the blinders on Brent's eyes, which isn't difficult to do at this point. Brent's ego continues to follow him no matter what situation he is in. The biggest part of Big Brother for him at this point involves the basics of reading a room and being observant. In terms of being observant, Azah continued to check in on her alliance members, especially Xavier to know where his head is at. In a unique twist, Azah's trust is strengthening in Xavier's plans. Something interesting has been seeing the variety of sides of playing the game, from the emotional to the strictly logical. They have lately conflicted when it comes to the "Cookout" alliance in this Big Brother house.
The veto competition involved the two nominees as per usual, while Xavier got to pick Christian to play, Brent picked Derek F out of the box, and Britini picked out Whitney from the box last. The game involved the players in ballerina-style tutus. Names got drawn to determine the order, a group of numbers is then announced that is needed to knock down in a bowling-style play. To get down the obstacle of a blocking wall, houseguests got to spinning 15 times, getting very dizzy, and attempting to knock down some pins before things reset themselves. It honestly was a hilarious and fun Big Brother veto competition to witness this season. Seeing Brent get picked for another round right after his first was probably the best part…well except for the vomiting. The final round saw Xavier facing Christian, a solid ending for plans against Brent. In the end, Christian won this week's power of veto.
After the spinning and dizzy directions of the veto competition, the houseguests prepped for the ceremony. Brent decided to go around beforehand and talk about his gut feeling. Maybe he ate something bad? Because that man's gut is messed up. Brent being unaware is just helping place him outside the Big Brother house. When the meeting actually came up, Christian decided not to use the power of veto. It'll be an interesting eviction ceremony, and not in the way Brent is thinking it'll be. The episode starts this evening at 8 PM EST on CBS.
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