Posted in: CBS, streaming, TV | Tagged: big brother, cbs, reality tv, recap, season 23, streaming, veto competition
Big Brother Season 23 E12 Recap: Whitney's Lies & A Volleyball Veto
The eleventh episode of CBS' Big Brother Season 23 gave us tension between alliances, Whitney struggling with the truth, and some literal backflips. Spoilers are plentiful and heading your way…so turn back now if you don't want surprises and instead read my past article regarding Christian's nominations this season of Big Brother. The Royal Flush alliance and the Cookout alliance continued to be a strong force in the house. Hannah's nomination raised red flags for not only the Cookout alliance but for Sarah Beth as well when she got pushback from Xavier and Tiffany. Christian's nomination of two aces made sense since it stuck to his Royal Flush alliance plans.
Sarah Beth continued her campaign to rid the Big Brother house of Hannah, but it might not end up being perfect reasoning for Christian as he sees Whitney as the target. An interesting discussion between Whitney and Xavier took place, a bald-faced lie was placed between them on Whitney's part. The lie about not ever wanting to target the kings was not easily pushed by Xavier. Whitney may be learning that being so open about who to Target next may not be as great of a choice, seeing as Christian and others continued to see through her words because of her true actions.
Jealousy had reared its' ugly head when it came to Azah seeing Whitney spend time with Xavier. He says he doesn't want a "showmance" but in the Big Brother house that may not be something easy to escape with Azah. Another struggle came in the form of Derek X and dealing with two teammates on the block, while wanting to help Hannah in the veto but still dealing with the requirements of the Royal Flush alliance. Quickly the veto competition approached houseguests, with six people in total competing, with the two nominees (Hannah and Whitney), Claire, Derek X, and Azah, and of course the HOH Christian. The houseguests had to roll volleyballs through a tube over a net and catch it on the other side, with the first to get to a hundred points getting the power of veto. The toughest part in the game comes from what happened if their ball touched the ground…it would reset to zero points. The endurance became the hardest part for all players, but in the end, the HOH himself, Christian, won the power of veto.
Whitney struggled, being out and open salty about Derek X speaking her potential exit into existence. While Derek X should have likely kept his mouth closed and been better about speaking too soon, Whitney's actions afterward helped no one. Her attempt at discussing things with Christian didn't dismiss her past lies and action. The veto nomination went as you'd expect with Christian holding it…he chose not to take anyone off the block that he put them on. Whitney's missing the ingredient, making the obvious connection of alliances between Derek X and Christian. Her exit from Big Brother seems imminent and we might witness it tonight on CBS at 8 PM EST.
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