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Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Season Finale Review: Beautiful Goodbye
The final two season episodes of Crunchyroll's Frieren: Beyond Journey's End were everything we needed and hoped for - and much more.
The last two episodes of Crunchyroll's Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, "An Era of Humans" & "It Would Be Embarrassing When We Met Again" were the best episodes to end a fantastic first season on. The episodes gave us a better understanding of Serie's disappointment toward Frieren, as well as Fern's power. They also address Frieren's inability to connect with others and its impact, as well as the impact Frieren and Himmel's party of heroes had on other test takers to make them come this far. Both episodes are wonderfully written and illustrated, as always.
"An Era of Humans" was, hands down, my favorite episode of the season. At first I was going to point out Fern's crankiness again, but I realized it is actually pretty realistic in terms of how it feels when you have altercations with people who you are close with. It is pretty sweet that Fern went to Stark directly after having another misunderstanding with Frieren. Stark has also gotten better at actually holding a conversation with Fern and acts as a good intermediary between her and Frieren. He seems to be becoming a new version of Himmel. This time the issue was that Frieren suggested that Fern throw away her broken staff and get a new one, but the problem is that Heiter gave her this staff – of course, it is special. However, Stark makes a great point- Frieren might not be able to understand Fern, but she tries, and it is the important part.
As this is going on we see snippets of the other characters around town: a depressed Lawine who is not even trying to put up a fight against Kanne and a cranky Richter who is not even trying to be courteous to his shop guests, Denken and Laufen. It was about time someone called him out on his pride, but man, did I wish Denken had thrown a book at him. Much to his displeasure, the shop gets another guest: Frieren. I love how she does not need to stoop to his level to make him realize how disrespectful he was-slash-is. Man, Richter was crankier than Fern.
It was heart-warming to see that Frieren actually brought Fern's staff to get fixed by Richter. Much to Stark's point: Frieren cannot understand Fern, but clearly, the staff matters to her, so she tries in her own way. Once again, the flashbacks were used as a great device, this time an exchange between Fern and Heiter before he died in which he tells her that, even though Frieren might not understand emotions, she will worry and care just as much. He then adds that Frieren will make a better master than most. I almost teared up because, despite being an elf, Frieren can be so human. The way this anime handles emotions and understanding always gets me; I feel it has been a very realistic portrayal of things that can be so hard to voice.
And just like that, the third test arrives, and all participants are lined up, waiting for what is to come. However, an abnormal situation requires an abnormal solution: since it is not usual for so many participants to make it to the final round, Serie takes on this challenge. I kinda feel bad for the First Class mages under her and her constantly voicing her disappointment overtaking human apprentices. Serie is like a stronger Frieren that seems to not even try to connect with humans or emotions. It is so weird to see how similar and different they are. That said, I do like her character and wish to get more of Serie and her life. There seems to be something she hides, or maybe like Frieren, she's awkward and unable to fully voice how she feels.
I think Frieren's interaction with Fern before the interviews start prepared us for what was to come: Serie is set to fail them both because Frieren pretty much does not live up to her mage potential per Serie's opinion. Of course, Serie fails the first group of contestants, and Frieren comes in – once again disappointing Serie. This time is because Frieren's favorite spell is the useless spell Flamme liked most. This time we get to see why: Frieren inspired a younger Himmel lost in the woods with it, and it is what brought him to recruit her. I swear, I almost cried because it was such a sweet scene. Also love how strong of a character Frieren is; she does not need Serie's approval or understanding to be who she is or like what she likes. I love her confidence and conviction.
Frieren does advise Serie she will not be able to fail Fern even if she wants to. I found this funny, considering Frieren had told Fern about Serie and her intuition being always on point. However, it did not take long for us to realize right away why: Fern seems to be the only human who can see the fluctuations in Serie's mana. Even as big, it seems she is trying to suppress it, and Fern catches on. I really loved the scene that follows, and all Serie offers to Fern for her to become Serie's apprentice, but we get to see Frieren did tell Fern that just as she was going to fail her, Serie would not be able to do the same to Fern, to not give into Serie's demands. Thankfully Frieren gave that bit of advice because Fern stayed still as a rock and declined because she is Frieren's apprentice. While Frieren might not be up to Serie's standards, but Fern is so above it that she could not even fail her as hoped.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End: And So It Ends… For Now?
And so, our team of heroes now have a First Class mage among them and can go ahead to the north. I could see Serie passing Übel already. This episode was just fantastic and hit all the necessary feel and smoothly led into the finale, "It Would Be Embarrassing When We Met Again." And definitely, Übel passes with no further discussion from Serie. I can imagine anyone who is able to visualize magic the way she does must impress Serie. That said, I was not expecting the following humbling that took place— Denken, Land, Wirbel, and Methode pass, too, surprising Serie with their fire, courage, and ways of thinking. Despite sounding like she is disappointed in them all, Serie comes out with a smile and apologizes to Sense as they do have many promising candidates this year. I really like that the characters in this anime are so multi-faceted and never remain just as I expect them to, Serie did not seem to be bothered by being proved wrong.
The slice-of-life vibe of the final episode was perfect, even in the midst of so much going on. Once again, I love seeing all the characters interacting with one another. Like Denken inviting Fern and Stark to eat with him and Laufen. We get to learn a bit more about the old man and how Frieren inspired him as a mage. I think Frieren needs to see she also made a difference, not just Himmel. We also see Wirbel talking to Frieren about treasuring all encounters, which is something we have seen her start to do as her previous party encouraged her to. However, it is still a bit of a work in progress. Once again, another character is there because he was inspired by the stories about the hero Himmel.
For the First Mage Privileges ceremony Fern invites Frieren and Stark to go with her, but it turns out Serie has banned Frieren for the next 1000 years. Of course, Serie will forever hold Frieren accountable for not reaching her heights as a mage. Once again, Serie is such a wonderfully crafted character. As Frieren and Stark wait, Frieren foresees Fern will become an even bigger mage than herself in this new Era. Frieren then gets challenged by Lernen, who apologizes on behalf of Serie, yet the need to leave a mark for Serie to remind him pushes him to fight Frieren. He gets to injure her and Frieren does remark he would have been better suited for a past Era, not for this peaceful one. However, she refuses to fight and lets Lernen know Serie will remember him, noting how Serie acts like a child not even being honest with her feelings toward him. It's kinda heartbreaking in a way, considering we see in Frieren's memory that Serie truly seems to care for her human apprentices yet does seem to be able to express her feelings. This part really did hit home, considering how relatable it is when we let our pride take the best of us instead of letting those around us know how much they truly mean to us.
As they prepare to leave, we really can see Stark has become a new Himmel: everyone in town loves him and even Fern acknowledges it. We also finally learn what spell Fern asked for as her privilege. Much to Serie's disappointment and Frieren's pride, Fern asked for a spell to make clothes clean and spotless. Frieren has definitely taught her well. Frieren then praises her, and I loved Fern's sparkly reaction. It also shows how much Frieren has changed, now trying to show her feelings more to those around her instead of being like Serie. That said, I really loved Serie with these past episodes, and I really wish we could get more of her.
We also get an answer to why Frieren's goodbyes are always so short, and once again, we get more of Himmel- he mentions that teary goodbyes aren't their style, and it would be embarrassing when they met next time. It was such a wonderful finale to this first season. I cannot wait to see them travel, meet more characters, and see them become a new inspiring party of heroes. I started Frieren because the character designs were exceptionally beautiful, but the story and characters have been even more so. The anime has been enthralling from beginning to end, and I am not ready to see this season come to a close. My heart is already missing these characters so much that I have started the manga. I am looking forward to seeing if any of the other participants will join our heroes in their travels.