Posted in: Max, Movies, streaming, TV | Tagged: Antony Starr, booster gold, dc studios, dcu, james gunn, the boys
James Gunn, Antony Starr Put to Rest Those Booster Gold Casting Rumors
In reponse to rumblings on social media, Antony Starr (The Boys) and DC Studios Co-CEO James Gunn put to rest those Booster Gold rumors.
While we're still big on the idea of The Boys star playing the "loser from the future who uses basic future technology to come back to today and pretend to be a superhero," both Antony Starr and DC Studios Co-CEOs James Gunn have shut down the social media rumblings that Starr was set to lead Gunn and Co-CEO Peter Safran's upcoming series based on legendary comic book writer and artist Dan Jurgens's Mike Carter/Booster Gold. During an interview with ComicBook, Starr was asked about the rumors – but though he finds Gunn to be an "amazing" filmmaker, Starr made it clear that they're bonding over playing golf and not the actor playing Booster Gold ("Me and James just play golf"). "I cannot wait to see what he does with the DC Universe," Starr added. "I think he's a phenomenal director, producer, talent. He's one of the biggest brands in the industry, so I'm excited to see what he cooks up."
And here's a look at Gunn adding to Starr's response, dousing cold water on the "social media following" theory…
Here's a look at the first of Jurgens's five tweets/xs from early in 2023, sharing how he pitched Booster to DC Comics Artist & Editor Dick Giordano and how Giordano had faith in his pitch to help him bring the character to life:
Really appreciate the reaction to the Booster Gold HBO Max news. Seems like just yesterday that I sat down with Dick Giordano (1984) to explain the idea of a time-traveling hero who played the celeb/media game, trying to make up for the crimes and mistakes he'd made.
Also went through the humorous aspects, explaining that unlike the rest of the DCU (where all the heroes were bland and perfect), that Booster would try to do the right thing along the way. But, if he happened to make a few bucks in the process…what's wrong with that?
And, while Booster would generally solve the problem, it'd be awkward. Superman catches a crashing plane and lands it at the airport. Booster clips a few buildings along the way, damaging them and the plane and puts it the middle of town, creating a three day traffic jam.
Everyone survives, but the results aren't perfect. It's the way things go for most of us, sometimes often, in our own lives, which is part of BG's charm. With the way social media and celebrity culture have grown, he's more relevant now than when issue #1 appeared in 1985.
I didn't have anything written up. Not even a sketch. Just a vision, and Dick went for it on the spot. Said, "Give me something on paper for legal so we can get contracts started," and with a handshake, told me I could start working.
Great man and glad he saw the potential!
And here's a look back at Jurgens' previous tweet/x, expressing his support for seeing Booster Gold make the leap from the pages of the comic book to the small screen: