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Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 5: Episode 1 & 2 Recap: Orientation
This article contains spoilers for the Marvel's Agents of SHIELD episodes – Orientation Part 1 & 2.
Last night we got the return of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD in a two-hour premiere that left more questions than answers. The premiere starts a little bit before the last episode ended. We follow an unnamed man going through what appears to be a normal day while a Talking Heads song plays. Because the Talking Heads have become synonymous with what is considered normal. He meets up with a strike team, heads to the diner where the Agents of SHIELD are having a meal and abducts them. They are then placed in front of a white obelisk similar to the one that transported Jemma Simmons to the other side of the galaxy in season three. It does the same thing here, sort of. Phil Coulson finds himself in a room where everything is stopped, but he quickly realizes that everything is about to be sucked out into space and grabs on to something just as time starts. He meets Virgil, who seems a bit scattered and a huge fan of Coulson's and he sees another guy abducted by an alien. Mac arrives a minute later and knocks out Virgil.
Over the two hours we slowly learn that the team is on a station in space that is filled with working class humans and Kree that control them. The rest of the team except Fitz is there and part of the station is overrun by bug aliens that they call roaches. Seem a bit like the Brood in design. Jemma ends up being a servant to one of the highly placed Kree, the others end up getting forced to work for a guy who seems rather cutthroat and opportunistic. It's also discovered through the course of the two episodes is that the station isn't that far from where they started position wise. They're in obit around what is left of the Earth. But they seem to be many years in the future. And we learn that the planet was destroyed by Quake aka Daisy Johnson.
I'm a fan of the series and I really enjoyed the banter between the characters. Mac was particularly funny when talking about punching someone. But the humor aside… the first two episode spend all the time setting things up and none of it explaining. I found myself losing interest. We had one fun scene with them running from an alien bug and another with what looked to be a Star Lord knock off. But the rest of the time with was two groups of people talking at each other, and not knowing what was going on. They are once again trying to reinvent themselves, but it may be too early to see exactly into what. There is no Hydra, but one of the guys on the station has a rebuilt version of the Framework. They're dealing with a different for of government, they're in hiding in a way, Coulson is still leading and Daisy is going to be dealing with guilt issues. Heck, there may even be a Ghost Rider hanging around the station.
The show is going in a different direction, and if last season is any indication, they'll go this way a while and then switch again. I can't see them staying in the future too long, and without Fitz who is "working on it". If anything I'm guessing we'll be on the station a while until the team figures out how to get back and then the focus will be preventing Daisy from destroying the world.