FOX's Bob's Burgers continued Tina's journey through her written story and her own reality as her family tries to help... in their own way.
Review Archives
The Kids in the Hall: Comedy Punks is a comprehensive look at how the Canadian troop has maintained by remaining true to themselves.
Fear the Walking Dead S07E14 took interesting turns & showed us why we can't have nice things whenever Alicia & Strand are left unchecked.
Crunchyroll anime Spy x Family S01E07 "The Target's Second Son" explores aspects of the failed friendship scheme attempted by Twilight.
Saturday Night Live said goodbye to Pete Davidson, Aidy Bryant, Kate McKinnon & Kyle Mooney with humor, heart... and Rachel Finnster fears.
Our recap of this week's WWE SmackDown on FOX, where RK-Bro faced The Usos to unify both Raw and SmackDown's Tag Team Championships.
Rebecca Romijn delivers her most powerful performance yet as Una-Chin Riley in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds S01E03 "Ghosts of Illyria."
Our recap of this week's NXT 2.0 on USA, which featured Santos Escobar and Tony D'Angelo battling for bragging rights and control.
FOX's The Great North brought us Pam Grier, water park adventures, the curse of Wolf Tobin, and plenty more in "Slide & Wet-Judice Adventure"
FOX's Bob's Burgers meets Blade Runner in the first of a two-parter as Tina brings out her "erotic friend fiction" for an epic adventure.
HBO's The Baby offered a look at Bobbi & Natasha's mother and hinted at the reasons why Mrs. Eaves inserts herself into situations so often.
Fear the Walking Dead S07E13 "The Raft" offered an excellent showcase for Dwight & Sherry and had tons to say about the TWD universe overall.
Crunchyroll's Spy x Family E06 "The Friendship Scheme" tackles the next stage of Operation Strix & the hurdles Twilight didn't see coming.
SNL host Selena Gomez ruled the night but Sarah Sherman stole the show. Here's what worked, what didn't, and a problem or two along the way.
Our recap of this week's WWE SmackDown on FOX, which saw The Usos answer RK-Bro's challenge to unify both of the Tag Team Championships.
Amazon's The Kids in the Hall revival feels exactly like another season of the '90s series. And that's just one of its problems.
Our recap of this week's episode of NXT 2.0, where Cora Jade faced Natalya and they paid homage to a Stone Cold and Bret Hart classic.
Ryoma! The Prince of Tennis was a fun anime film & the kind of adventure kids can relate to without feeling spoken down to or traumatized.
The Tobin family & Crispin go on a mission to recreate a perfect "coming-out" story for Ham in the latest episode of FOX's The Great North.
Before My Hero Academia Season 6 premieres this Fall, we'll be getting two new OVAs. Here's a look at the key art for Hero League Baseball.
In a family feud, not even a Bolognese sauce recipe is safe on Mother's Day, as we learned in this week's episode of FOX's Bob's Burgers.
The struggle of naptime becomes an ethical and moral dilemma for Natasha in the latest episode of HBO's The Baby, S01E03 "The Bulldozer."
AMC's Fear the Walking Dead S07E12 "Sonny Boy" blended genres to offer a cautionary tale of how tragic not learning from the past can prove.
Crunchyroll's Spy X Family E05 "Will They Pass or Fail" was an enjoyable & engrossing episode presenting the Forgers with yet another hurdle.
Our review/recap of this week's episode of FOX's WWE SmackDown: we saw plenty of brawls heading into Sunday's WrestleMania Backlash event.
Star Trek: Picard Season 2 finale "Farewell" manages to exceed expectations in a number of ways, including proper send-offs for some.
Proving everything old is new again, the series premiere of Paramount+'s Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is a refreshing change that delivered.
Our recap of last night's NXT Spring Breakin' on USA, which wound up being one of the worst NXT shows of all time.
FOX's The Great North takes us on a field trip with an existential Wolf Tobin and to a poetry open mic with Beef in the latest episode.
FOX's Bob's Burgers brought back the memories of the Tamagotchi with Gene's latest obsession Purrbo, but not everyone was on board.