Posted in: Paramount+, Star Trek, streaming, TV | Tagged: paramount, star trek, Star Trek Day, Star Trek Picard, Star Trek: The Original Series, william shatner
Star Trek: Picard Enterprise-G Plaque Presented to William Shatner
Picard production designer Dave Blass presented The Original Series star William Shatner with the Enterprise-G plaque for Star Trek Day.
Star Trek Day is full of crossover surprises and celebrations of the franchise that Gene Roddenberry built. Among them is the epic third and final season of Picard which was carefully crafted by the likes of showrunner Terry Matalas and production designer Dave Blass, who took meticulous effort to recreate the U.S.S. Enterprise-D from Next Generation. As we discover, its chief engineer, now Commodore Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton), who spent the better part of his days since the events of Nemesis reconstructing and restoring the vessel since its saucer section was recovered on Veridian III, when it was last seen in 1993's Generations, at the Starfleet Fleet Museum.
Presenting Enterprise-G Plaque to Star Trek's Original Enterprise Captain
William Shatner, who is the only surviving main The Original Series cast member not to revisit the franchise in some physical capacity in the Paramount+ era, visited the reconstructed TOS set. Shatner played Captain James T. Kirk, and Paul Wesley plays an even younger incarnation on Paramount+'s Strange New Worlds before Kirk took command of the original Enterprise. with Blass presenting him with the plaque of the Enterprise-G. The vessel was the rebranded U.S.S. Titan-A with newly promoted Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) as captain with first officer Cmdr. Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd) at the end of Picard. Here's how some of the exchange went down.
Shatner: "How beautiful!" *holding the plaque.
Blass: "Every Enterprise since then has had a dedication plaque, and at the end of 'Picard' season three, we introduced the newest iteration of the Starship Enterprise."
Shatner: "Fantastic!"
Blass: "That has all the names of the crew."
Shatner: "All the crew and the producers?
Blass: "Yeah. Including Matt Jeffries, and I put in all the previous people who had designed the Enterprises."
Shatner: "There's [Herman] Zimmerman. He's way down."
Blass: "That's Jason Zimmerman, who's our visual effects…"
Shatner: "Not our Zimmerman. Where's Herman Zimmerman?" *Blass points to his name.
Shatner: "Is Herman still with us?" *hands the plaque to Blass.
Blass: "One of the last things I did on the show because we recreated the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on 'Picard' just like this." *waves hand around for 'The Original Series' set. "I brought Herman on to the set. He didn't know we had already done it. He thought I was going to show him the U.S.S. Titan-A and the Enterprise-G. I said, 'In order to design the future, I had to look back.' I walked him on the stage, and the doors open, and there he was, back on the ship."
For more on the exchange, you can check out the post below for the complete video.