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The Apothecary Diaries S02E01 "Maomao and Maomao": Promising Return
Check out why Crunchyroll's The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Ep. 1: "Maomao and Maomao" was a welcome (and promising) return for the anime.
The second season of Crunchyroll's The Apothecary Diaries premiered this week. The first episode, "Maomao and Maomao," was a cute return for the anime. The new opening and outro are wonderful. I sincerely cannot get enough of the intro's art and colors got me; I am already obsessed. I am very excited about this season and what will come because it definitely seems promising.
We start with Jinshi, who is visiting the concubines and comments about how disproportionate Loulan's higher number of ladies-in-waiting is in comparison to the other concubines. He then heads to the Jade Pavillion in his search for Maomao, and Lady Gyokuyou casually mentions Maomao is at the clinic. She knows what is up. Lady Gyokuyou is too smart, and I think she needs that romance to happen as much as I do. When Jinshi finds Maomao, she is working on making scented oils and alcohol for disinfecting surfaces. She mentions that oils can trigger miscarriages, which is the reason why she kept away from Lady Gyokuyou.
Later on, Maomao receives a package from Yarite Baba: a bunch of novels for ladies-in-waiting to learn about pleasing the emperor since they lacked knowledge about that type of subject. Jinshi gives his approval, but Gaoshun takes them for censoring. However, within days, Maomao starts noticing that there is a popular novel that all the servants are talking about and realizes it is from the same imprint she had provided to Jinshi. Maomao then realizes this might be in an effort to improve literacy within the rear palace and it seems to be working as Jinshi has once brought up this was something the emperor wanted to work on. It seems to be working since Xiaolan expressed interest in reading and writing and has started planning for her future. It is so cute how proud Maomao is of Xiaolan and jumps to help her immediately.
Maomao is later tasked with going along with the princess outside and starts teaching her. Maomao automatically knows what she means and how it can be useful for the princess, depending on her future. That said, she also notices everyone's reactions to the princess, and not all of them are good. Period stories do not tend to be a subject I am a fan of typically, but the anime still manages to keep me in a chokehold. During the walk, they notice there is a cat, and another servant girl manages to catch it for Maomao. I wonder if we will see her around more often.
I am not going to lie. I loved the scene with Jinshi understanding why people love cats after realizing Maomao is a cat herself. Oh man, I need things to start taking off for these two because they are just too cute together. Even though she is not a fan of cats, she manages to take great care of the kitty until the emperor gives permission for the princess to keep it. Of course, being the princess' kitty, it got the official title of "Admonisher of Thieves" for keeping rodents out of the clinic. However, the nicest part was hearing Maomao wonder why they named the cat Maomao just like her. I mean, it does fit. I cannot wait to see more of the stories that develop around the castle, as well as between Jinshi and Maomao. I am so excited for this new season of The Apothecary Diaries; I am very happy it has returned.