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Trump Opener Justifies Puerto Rico Slam By Claiming He's a Comedian

Donald Trump opening act Tony Hinchcliffe took a cheap shot at Puerto Rico and now he seems pretty upset that AOC has called him out.

On Sunday afternoon, New York City's Madison Square Garden was the home to the kind of "political rally" the likes of which haven't been seen at the iconic facility since February 20, 1939. With a little more than a week to go until the U.S. decided between Vice-President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz and ex-reality show host, multi-impeached ex-POTUS, and convicted felon Donald Trump and… Elon Musk? Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.? No, it's Sen. JD "Sloppy Thirds" Vance. The clan gathering was a virtual smorgasbord of has-beens, wannabes, suck-ups, sycophants, goose-steppers, and tinfoil hat-wearers that you would expect – and boy, did they show up ready to get their hate on. Here are some examples you can use if someone you know (but hopefully not related to because that's going to make for some awkward Thanksgiving family dinner shit) tried to gaslight you into believing that MSG owner James Dolan didn't turn over MSG to a hate rally.

Trump Opener Justifies Puerto Rico Slam By Claiming He's a Comedian
Image: CNN Screencap; FOX News Screencap

"Hillary Clinton.. what a sick son of a bitch. The whole fucking party, a bunch of degenerates.."  and "But the fucking illegals, they get whatever they want" – Dude Who Looked Like Stanley Tucci After Too Many Steroids Who Needed a Better-Fitting Suit.

"She [VP Kamala Harris] is the devil.. she is the Antichrist" – Dude Who Looking Like He Was About to Be Claimed by Stage 3 Diabetes Type 3 Before The Devil Gets His Chance

"We revere the rule of law… the other team doesn't…" – Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, cleaning off the sides of his mouth so he can throw his support by a convicted felon 34 times over.

"Blah… blah… blah…. blah…" – Tucker Carlson, who couldn't even meet FOX "News" kind of journalistic ethics, deciding to take a moment and remind everyone of the last time a rally like this was held and then failing it up a couple of notches on the hare meter.

Did we mention that Trump trotted out Dr. Phil (who has Oprah Winfrey to thank for his media career) and Hulk Hogan (this dude) to offer their steaming piles of "expert advice"? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL… I know, right? But the person getting the biggest spotlight from this day so far – something Trump won't be happy about because no one gets the spotlight but Trump – is podcaster/comedian Tony Hinchcliffe. It's not like Tony didn't know who he was opening for – far from it when you consider this was one of what some at the event are calling a joke: "There's a lot going on. I don't know if you know this, but there's literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it's called Puerto Rico."

Get it? The joke? It's funny because it disparages a group of people who aren't Tony… right? Actually, wrong -and it didn't take long for folks online to call out Trump's opening act for feeding into what everyone was already expecting from the event. Two people in particular who pushed back on Tony's attempts at MAGA love were Walz and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). Taking part in a campaign event that saw the two playing Madden NFL and Crazy Taxi on Twitch, Walz and AOC didn't mince words in condemning in what we're assuming was supposed to be Tony's "tight five." Well, it turns out that Tony's a little soft and didn't appreciate having his sense of humor called out – so guess what old playbook he went with?

"These people have no sense of humor. Wild that a vice presidential candidate would take time out of his 'busy schedule' to analyze a joke taken out of context to make it seem racist. I love Puerto Rico and vacation there. I made fun of everyone…watch the whole set. I'm a comedian, Tim…. It might be time to change your tampon.," was Tony's response, coming across a little too "snowflakey," if you ask me. As much as we're sure Tony was feeling pretty butch when he sent that out, it doesn't seem like he tagged either Walz or AOC in his response – but that's okay, because AOC was still able to shut him down.

Trump Opener Justifies Puerto Rico Slam By Claiming He's a Comedian
Image: Twitter Screencap

"You're opening for Trump by calling Puerto Rico a floating pile of garbage. 4,000+ Puerto Ricans died under him," AOC posted in response. "This isn't the comedy store. You're using your set to boost neo-Nazis like MTG & stripping women's rights to the Stone Age. Your 'sense of humor' doesn't change that." AOC continued, "And before people try to act like this is some PC overly sensitive nonsense, I've been to Kill Tony shows. I'm from the Bronx. I don't give a shit about crude humor. But don't pretend that your support for Trump is a joke. Own it. You doing a set to support him. That's a choice."

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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