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Tucker Carlson, Russell Brand Bond Over FOX "News"; Geraldo Not Happy
Speaking with Russell Brand (seriously), Tucker Carlson had some things to share about FOX "News" & Ukraine - and Geraldo's not thrilled.
The one thing you have to give FOX "News" is this – you never quite know who's going to end up "guest-starring" when you cover anything that has to do with the alleged "news network." But this one is an end-of-the-week special because it not only involves FOX "News" but also ousted ex-primetime host & person least likely to get a show on Threads, Tucker Carlson. I know what you're thinking. Why's that suck a big deal? But wait… there's more! Because we also get to throw into the mix Russell Brand, the comedian & actor who's decided to go the Joe Rogan route and become a podcast host so he can talk about a lot of things that he doesn't seem to know a lot about. Except Brand's debate method is to throw out a ton of nonsense very loudly and very fast – the idea being to drown out the other person so they can't serve up a few slices of sanity. And because you were so kind to check out what I had to share… if you're good? We'll throw in a response from ex-FOX "News" personality Geraldo Rivera – who's not exactly a big fan of what Carlson had to say about Ukraine.
So what did we learn from the Carlson/Brand lovefest? Though his and FOX "News'" legal team continue battling over his contract, Carlson wishes the reported "news network" well – even if he claims to now know why he was booted. "I don't know why I was fired; I really don't. I'm not angry about it. I honestly don't know," Carlson shared with the Arthur remake star. "I was surprised. I didn't, you know, expect to get fired that morning at all in April. So, I was shocked, but I wasn't really shocked. And I wasn't mad. It's not my company. And when you work for someone else, that person reserves the right and, in fact, has inherently the right to decide whether you work there or not." From there, Carlson would make it seem pretty clear that he was definitely back on "Team Trump" while still pushing the spin that the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol was "not an insurrection." From there, Carlson appeared to attempt to go the "Jekyll/Hyde" route by both praising FOX "News" for the opportunities it gave him to "let me say what I want" while also implying that his not supporting Ukraine led to his primetime downfall. Here's a look at the text from the interview:
They didn't agree with me, of course, I don't think, but they were always very nice to me. And they always let me say what I wanted. Not one time did they tell me not to say anything. So, I was always grateful to FOX, and I am, in retrospect, grateful to FOX for that. So that never changed up until the moment they called me and said, you know, we're taking the show off the air.
And so, I can only speculate, I know.
But I do think as a general matter, not even about me, the war in Ukraine is a red line for a lot of people in business and politics. You see it in our politics in the US where the leaders of the Republican Party in the Congress, who like are repulsive, in my view, are now supporting sending cluster bombs to Ukraine. Ukraine is losing the war, obviously. The Ukrainians are dying in huge numbers, and the country is being destroyed. And so, the US could force a peace like tonight; they could, uniquely. They have that power. And they won't, and they're continuing to allow Ukrainians to be killed in the country to be devastated.
So, I don't know their motive, I can only guess, but I know that if you criticize that, they really are intent on making you be quiet.
Well, it's pretty clear that Carlson is very much in the minority when it comes to that reality-altered position – and Geraldo made it clear that Carlson's just as wrong about Ukraine as he was about January 6th: