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William Shatner, Ryan Reynolds Have Salmon's Back in Conservation PSA

Ryan Reynolds & Maximum Effort teamed with William Shatner for a Canadian public service announcement defending wild salmon from fish farms.

Two proud Canadian acting legends, Ryan Reynolds and William Shatner, teamed up to support Canadian wild salmon conservation in a public service announcement courtesy of Reynolds' production company Maximum Effort, rejecting the country's excessively polite stereotypes. "Latest work from Maximum Effort ⬇️⬇️ and thanks to the legendary [William Shatner]," the Deadpool & Wolverine star shared on social media, quoting the Star Trek star's post. "🤔 You know, we Canadians are the nicest, politest people on Earth…😇…things change, however, when you threaten our f***ing wild salmon!!! 🤬 You get THIS! 👉🏻🖕🏼. Don't be a 🍆 be an 😇 and say #FckOffFishFarms #FOFF! Much Love, Bill the proud Canadian ❤️"

Ryan Reynolds & William Shatner Team for Salmon Conservation PSA
William Shatner. Image courtesy of Maximum Effort.

Ryan Reynolds & William Shatner on Salmon Conservation

The video begins with the title screen, "A Message to Canada from William Shatner." Shatner appears holding on to a hat. "You know, for almost a century, I've been a kind, decent Canadian," he begins. "It's the Canadian way. But when I see what open-net salmon farming is doing to the environment and wildlife, I just can't be Canadian about it any longer. So…repeat after me." After he puts on his hat, "Fuck off! Open-net pen salmon farms! Your asshole salmon farms are fucking up our wild salmon population! It's a shit stain on our nation! Now you have a go!"

For the remainder of the PSA, others join in on the profanity-laced tirades, including a mother with a stroller, a female hiker, a wide shot of a cityscape with people collectively shouting, "Fuck off, open-net salmon farms!" Even retired NHL goaltender Kirk McLean gets in on the action meekly before Shatner lights a fire under him to join in to unload his tirade. We also get a French speaker with subtitles and a black bear before the final message, "We can't be Canadian about open-net salmon farms any longer. Tell your representatives another five-year extension is bull****" You can check out the video below.

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Tom ChangAbout Tom Chang

I'm a follower of pop culture from gaming, comics, sci-fi, fantasy, film, and TV for over 30 years. I grew up reading magazines like Starlog, Mad, and Fangoria. As a writer for over 10 years, Star Wars was the first sci-fi franchise I fell in love with. I'm a nerd-of-all-trades.
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