Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: nfl, ratings, Smackdown, wrestling, wwe
WWE Smackdown More Popular Than NFL Football, Ratings Battle Proves
Right now, The Chadster is experiencing two extremely different, competing emotions. On the one hand, The Chadster is incredibly sad and disappointed that WWE Smackdown's viewership once again dropped below 2 million this week. That Chadster thought for sure that Smackdown was on the way back up, especially with the big Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan title match airing on last night's show. On the other hand, The Chadster is overjoyed. You see, WWE Smackdown's biggest rival, Shark Tank, was off the air last night in favor of the NFL draft, so, for the first time in a long time, WWE took the top spot in the ratings, tying one hour with the draft but beating it overall on average in the 18-49 demographic.
Showbuzz Daily has the numbers, which show that Smackdown drew 1.875 million viewers and 1.971 million viewers respectively for each hour, which averages out to 1.923 million viewers overall. And yes that's fewer viewers than watched any other show on network television other than the shows on The CW. But in the 18-49 demographic, Smackdown scored a .5 for both hours. The NFL draft was able to achieve that for only one hour, with the remaining two scoring .4, which makes WWE Smackdown the winner in The Chadster's book.
Yes, it was very rude of NFL Football to come onto WWE Smackdown's night and try to bully Smackdown off Fridays like AEW Dynamite bullied The Chadster's beloved WWE NXT off Wednesdays. But Smackdown stayed strong and stood up against the bullies, just like The Chadster wishes he was able to do throughout high school, and they came out on top! And that's the bottom line 'Cause Chad said so! I'm Chad!