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Monday Morning Runaround – Gambling On Hellboy
HaitiWatch: The Heroes4Haiti auctions continue apace.
AnalogyWatch: As she contemplates suicide, Charlotte Raven compares Huntington's disease to something concocted by The Joker.
LocalWatch: Lafayette resident Kodie Chamberlain gets profiled by his hometown paper. He talks about getting the 30 Days Of Night gig.
I wasn't drawing any better the day before I got the call… What did change was the things I was sending to publishers was getting noticed because most of them knew who I was already. Then when I sent press releases to the comic-book media outlets it was more likely to get picked up.
FootballWatch: Lance Briggs on the destruction of Soldier's Field in The Siege #1.
Really. [Pauses.] Good! Maybe we can get some good field turf or good grass then. [Laughs.] Okay, sweet deal, I'm gonna have to check that one out.
LibraryWatch: Both Boom and Viz Comics set up booths at the American Library Association's Midwinter Convention and, apparently, almost every publisher either had graphic novels available or plenty planned.
GameWatch: Dan DiDio talks about creating the new weekly comic DC Universe: Legends based on the upcoming MMORG DC Universe Online.
One of the reasons I wanted to do something on a weekly basis was because I wanted to build a series that would move at the quickest speed of our delivery system, tying into the game so we'd have a connection between the two… Right now we have Tony Bedard and Dan Jurgens on board. I'm sure Marv will be involved in some way, shape or form. He knows intimately what's going on in the game itself. We'll also be using a number of people from Wildstorm not only for the designs, but hopefully for the art itself as they're the ones who set the design from the start… We'll also be trying to work gaming tips and secrets into the body of the book as we move along in the series.
What I think is the most exciting thing is that, if everything is working as well as we hope once we get down the line, characters that players create actually have an opportunity to work their way from the game into the comics themselves.
GamblingWatch: Joining the likes of Spider-Man, Fanatstic Four, Superman and Batman, Mike Mignola and Dark Horse Comics have licenced Hellboy to the online gambling company AllSlotsCasino. Here's their trailer.
AvatarWatch: And to everyone who sent me the following image, today of all days, thanks. No. really, thanks. Anyone care to claim credit?