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Monday Morning Runaround – Fox Amongst The Chickenhawks
SuitWatch: Siegel/Schuster representing lawyer Marc Toberoff has responded to the Warners suit against him. His office states;
Warner and Mr. Petrocelli are aware that the frivolous allegations in their complaint do not add up and will never pass muster in the federal courts. However, that's not the point of their lawsuit. Warner and Petrocelli's objective is to "muddy the waters" by attacking Mr. Toberoff, potentially conflict him out of the case, and thereby strong-arm the Siegels and Shusters into selling at a cut-rate price the copyrights they have legitimately recaptured. Such unethical tactics are nothing short of deplorable.
Ironically, Petrocelli, who destroyed the valuable Winnie the Pooh case based on the plaintiff's use of documents stolen from a Disney dumpster, now purports to rely on privileged documents stolen from Mr. Toberoff's law offices under very suspicious circumstances.
LobbyWatch: Dan Archer takes on the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in comic book form.
LoliWatch: Fox News is claiming a scalp over Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales. They reported multiple Wikipedia entries with pornographic imagery, including that for Japanese manga genre lolicon with drawings of underage sex. After Fox News asked prominent Wikipedia donors for their reaction to these images being accessed by anyone with access to Wikipedia, Wales attempted to remove images. But after a user rebellion, Wales has decided to give up his administrator priveleges for the entire site and now cannot remove the images in question, leaving the running of Wikipedia in chaos.
StarWatch: Dark Horse Comics is producing an original graphic novel adaptation of the game Star Wars: Force Unleashed II. Written by Force Unleashed creator Haden Blackman and drawn by Mass Effect's Omar Francia. It's out in early October, while the game ships a few weeks later. Its page count (88 pages) does smack of being a repurposed four issue mini-series however.
SecondDoctorWatch: What do you do when you have Dr Who license rights for your range of ice popsicles but can't get Patrick Troughton in to make a TV ad? You just have some anonymous figure with a stupid hat covering his face…