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Monday Runaround – Windy Cities
HawkWatch: Tony Daniel on Savage Hawkman:
"The first thing that I wanted to get rid of is the reincarnation factor, the Egyptian thing and the tragedy of him and Hawkgirl. All that stuff. A lot of convolution there. Is that a word or did I just coin a phrase?"
IreneWatch: Newport Virginia store, World's Best Comics, stays open during Hurrican Irene.
Titles crammed into his musty, cluttered shop ranged from a definitive two-volume "Superman" pulp anthology to "Dungeons and Dragons," and tens of thousands more. And Mitchell knows his clientele is loyal enough to ride out tropical storms — if not hurricanes — with him.
"Eight years ago, we had a dozen people in here all through Hurricane Isabel," he said.
And tonight?
"I'll be here till 2 in the morning, just like I am every Saturday," he said.
IreneWatch2: The Center For Cartoon Studies has been hit heavily by the hurricane, with director and creator James Sturm confirming damage to ghe Schulz Library, telling Comics Reporter
"Crazy night,Brave and tough-minded group moving books out of the library until 3 AM as White River continued to rise… got maybe 70 percent of the stuff out of there, rest moved to higher shelves. [We'll] know more tomorrow [about the] fate of rest of collection."
IreneWatch3: Octopus Pie jumps on;
IreneWatch4: No news on how the hurricane, which affected Diamond-based Baltimore, will affect this week's comics, especially those midnight openings. Do let us know your local comic store's plans…
DestroyerWatch: Marvel's new comic, Destroyers, by Fred Van Lente and Kyle Hotz announced at Fan Expo Canada.
Of course, in the mighty Marvel tradition, monsters will also be the only ones who can save them. As led by Golden Age hero The Destroyer, The Thing, She-Hulk, Karkas, A-Bomb, and The Beast come together to give the terrifying creatures what-for. Unfortunately for them, using just their fists alone will not save the day.
"Ben Grimm and company have to solve a mystery that dates back millions of years—that involves both the Devil Dinosaur and the Deviants," the writer explains. "The focus here is squarely on the A-list monsters of the Marvel Universe as they punch their fellow monsters in the face and try and avert the same crisis from destroying humanity that once destroyed the dinosaurs."
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
DC Comics prepares for a 'sea-change' digital moment –
Also, last week ComiXology launched its Digital Storefront program with more than 100 comics retailers. Steinberger says it's in essence a semi-branded ComiXology store that can be embedded into a retailers' website where they receive a portion of the revenue to sell digital comics. For what they sell of Image, DC, Dynamite and other publisher's titles, the stores will receive 15% of the retail price — and an extra 15% from DC if they have a DC-only store, as well. So if a store runs out of Batman No. 1 next month, they can tell customers it's available on their Web store, Steinberger says.
DC Comics turns a new page this week –
"I'd say about 60% to 70% of those protesting the loudest will still end up buying the stuff. There's just too much hype and interest — even the haters are curious."
"I love MODOK and I think you could make a terrifying movie with MODOK but nobody seems to be on my side at the momentum," Markus said, referring to wonderfully weird villain whose name is an acronym for Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing.