Terry Pratchett Estate has removed any payment to Neil Gaiman from the Good Omens Kickstarter, as well as offering refunds.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, ebay, preview, walking dead
The First Appearance Of Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead For 99 Cents On eBay (UPDATE)
Okay, this could be an interesting one.
Someone trying to sell the copy of the Diamond Previews catalogue withthe listing for Walking Dead #1 as the first appearance of the comic book. Which, technically, I suppose it might be. Though currently at 99 cents on eBay, no one is biting. Yet.
It does however include that "Walking Dead is TM and (c) Robert Kirkman & Tony Moore" line that caused certain legal headaches in recent years.
As a piece of archival history? How much?
UPDATE: That was fast! Suddenly up to $23. This is now a genuine collectible!
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