Posted in: Comics | Tagged: avengers, dc, detective comics, green lantern, Kick Ass 3, marvel, superior spider-man, trillium
Bleeding Cool Bestseller Chart – Trillium Launches Well This Week
A collation of the top ten charts of a number if disparate store, measuring sales on Wednesdays and Thursdays only, those who can't wait till the weekend to buy their comics. A indication of unstoppable desire….
- Superior Spider-Man #15
- All New X-Men #15
- Avengers #17
- Detective #23
- Green Lantern #23
- Trillium #1
- Action Comics #23
- Iron Man #14
- Earth 2 #15
- Kick Ass 3 #2
Wake and Collider have picked up sales and Trillium looks to sell out.
Waiting for our pull and hold customers to start asking questions about DC Villains Month allocations. They will be taken care of as they are true readers and collectors. We'll try to keep 3D editions out of the hands of losers who wander from store to store who only want to flip copies on Ebay. I hope this situation never happens again as we retailers have long memories, and boxes of unsold comics.
Solid week. Sheltered takes the top spot. Will run out of issue #2 by end of week. Lazarus #1 is still king. Selling 20-30 copies 3 weeks in a row. Might be out around the end of first story arc.
Green Lantern's and Action Comic's sales continue to fall after recent creative changes. Trillium had a great start with it's innovative design and beautiful story, all without the help of a 3-D cover;)
Trillium, sold out both locations. There were 5 books not from the Big 2 in our top 25: Kick-Ass 3 #2 at number 11, Cyber Force #5 at number 13, Ten Grand #4 at number #19, Manhattan Projects #13 at number 22 and Fatale #16 at number 25.
Vertigo's new titles continue to perform well; since Vertigo readers don't always come in every week, a strong first-week performance usually means continued interest in coming weeks as well.
Thanks to the following retailers…
- Impulse Creations of Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Heroes of London, Canada
- Eide's Entertainment of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Jesse James' Comics of Phoenix, Arizona
- Mayhem Comics of Ames and Des Moines, Iowa
- Yesteryear Comics of San Diego
- Laughing Ogre Comics of Lansdowne and Fairfax, Virginia, and Columbus, Ohio.
- Dr No's Comics & Games SuperStore of Marietta, Georgia.
Are you a retailer who wants to add your input? Contact Rich.
You can also check out previous weeks' bestseller lists.