Posted in: Comics | Tagged: ales kot, brandon graham, brian wood, Comics
"No One Talks Trash Like Brandon Graham, No One" – Rob Liefeld
Obviously Ales Kot started it off, based on a possibly erroneous report of a comics retailer ripping up a copy of Pretty Deadly. But Brandon Graham was there to carry it on. It's possible Brian Wood should stop reading now.
. @ales_kot and and maybe some talk of being honest about people's work. and what goes on in this lovely but amazingly fucked up scene.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@ales_kot It's hard to go at that without knowing what went down. I'm ripped up lots of comics. I once threw an Ah my goddess in a fire. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@ales_kot I was an angry youth you seee… — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
. @ales_kot I think a bigger question is why aren't there more books like Pretty deadly at Image.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@ales_kot both that & with the quality the book is done with.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
As much as I love Image I think one of the things I'd like to see less of is just pulling creators from M&DC @ales_kot — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
Or for that matter –creators who M&DC would never publish (because the shit is on some next) @ales_kot — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
. @bclaymoore @ales_kot I've heard that but I think it's also up to a publisher to find the best work out there.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
Sure misogyny/racism/homphobia– a long history of white dudes with beards being comfortable around their own kind @ales_kot @bclaymoore
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@bclaymoore @ales_kot It's not realllyyy that open. It's welcoming but it's more complicated than just that. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@bclaymoore @ales_kot I don't think I'd even have been given the chance to be at Image without knowing the people I know. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@bclaymoore @ales_kot but how would they have seen it? I've been turned down by image before. (pre Stephenson obviously)
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
but also part of what Stephsnson does at Image is hard because piches have to go to one man who is busy @Jeremy_Holt @bclaymoore @ales_kot
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@ales_kot @tropicalsteve @bclaymoore That goes back to the types of creators who could get work at M& DC — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@bclaymoore @ales_kot @tropicalsteve that's what I'm saying. Mediocre circle of comics Hakuna matata — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@bclaymoore @brawluk @ales_kot Yeah, how did Braian K Vaughn manage that?
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
. @bclaymoore @brawluk @ales_kot Male writers with lady artists is a way to not put women in charge. It's Brian Wood's whole career.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@joelcarroll @ales_kot @tropicalsteve @bclaymoore yup, that is the plan. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
i love it when @royalboiler makes statements about gender imbalance in comics, and the only people to argue are dudes. — inkstuds (@inkstuds) October 24, 2013
@DaveZissou @bclaymoore @brawluk @ales_kot Wood can retweet my middle finger.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@robertliefeld That is the best compliment I have ever gotten. Thanks Rob.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
RT. @ianmacewan "the "not welcome" sign is a systemic thing, I don't blame anyone at Image." <–That's an important point to make. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
. @Denhoff25 He is my platonic ideal of a fake feminist. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@royalboiler Also they're not gonna fire you for going "Hey, here's a thing we should be better about" unlike some places coughcoughDCcough
— Adam O. Pruett (@adamopruett) October 24, 2013
@mbround In some ways I think they do that. but itd be great to see it done more.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@bclaymoore @RaynardFaux @ales_kot I think it's that the larger system is just dude heavy so female cartoonists get overlooked. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@bclaymoore @RaynardFaux @ales_kot Given the amount of amazing lady cartoonists out there It should be more even. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@ales_kot Stop trying to put a damper on my shit talking career Ales!
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
The best part about that talk that @ales_kot got going is that it got me talking to Stephenson about women creators at Image. nice nice
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
Comics can be such a fucking amazing industry if we push it harder. Everyone get some thick skin & work on it. aight? aight. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
just don't ask me to stop shit talking. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
Like we would dare, Brandon.
But yeah, Image publishes some awesome lady creators now but just think about how it would be if it was closer to half the line.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
I might live in a weird bubble but these days most of the cartoonists I hang out with who kill me are women. soo it shouldn't be hard.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail I think you're misreading my motivations. I want comics to be harsher, I'm not into helping out middle aged men who make weak work — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@BizzaroHendrix no their own books. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail don't CC that dude I don't need more of his "you're not acting like a pro" BS
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail I'm talking specifics & what I think they are fucking up at. These people buy houses off of the work-they can handle some criticism.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail having a conversation about someone isn't back stabbing. I don't need them in every conversation. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail It's not like I'm going out to lunch with dude and being nice to his face. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail well sure. It's not a pancake.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail That was about him snarkely retweeting some dude saying that diversity wasn't dudes making comics about women. that is some BS
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail again, this is a grown assed man who can draw but chooses to draw the same thing over and over. I don't need to hold his hand. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail These are the people who I feel make the comic shelf a weaker place. I don't need them to try harder I want a line in the sand. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail I hold others work up to the same standards that my friends hold mine up to. I expect to be called out if I make weak work.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail sure. but I've earned their respect from doing work they thing as good work in the past.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail & like I was saying he works with them but I've never once seen him put women on the same level as him– — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail where are the lady writers that Wood has brought into comics? — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail Your point is that somehow bringing people into a conversation about how they are part of the problem will improve things.I disagree
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail I think it takes power from them being seen as valid. If Wood is pushed as feminism in comics & no one calls BS- that would be bad
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail In the current climate of comics writers are seen as more important. & it becomes his job when he starts talking about women/comics. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail or at least it becomes an obligation to address women as real humans & creators when you are talking about character diversity. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail Which he has a lot of power in. which is why I think he's part of the problem
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail I'm talking about putting female writers to the forefront to tell their own stories as opposed to just using them as props.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail The people in comics kind of choose who else is in comics. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail Writers are certainly not just hired hands– they do much in comics — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail & a lot of what I'm saying is from talking to female cartoonists who are frustrated with how it works.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail He does act as a talent scout he finds some amazing women to draw his weak shit about what its like to be a strong woman.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail I encourage creators to do better when I think they have any interest in doing better. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail I just mean write their own. There's no reason that some Northlanders couldn't have been written by some of the artists who drew it — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail There's been some in the backups– & I'm more interested in getting women creators to do their own books.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail I've got several books & magazines in the works that let women do their own work in it.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail When I met my misses Marian I worked with her lettering her book & introducing her around to get Beast published. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail Don't do that shit with me- I never said every book needed female creators on it — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail Prophet is specifically a teenage boy conan power fantasy style book so initially I looked for artists who did work like that.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail It would be if I was talking in every interview about how diverse the female cast was. soo its not the same standard.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail I know I know, but the set up of a book means a lot in your obligations to the work. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail Yeah, I'll give him that. he has picked some amazing creators to work with. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail hmmmm I wouldn't go that far.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@SonOfCann @r_sail pretty much yes.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail I'm sure he's not horrible to work with. He represents a way in & a high page rate. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail & I know several women who have worked with him & would have preferred the platform to tell their own stories in the same books. — Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail Honestly Marian working with him wasn't a thing– It was a page rate for her & she didn't mind drawing the stuff.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail yeah. (she also quit comics for a year or 2 & no longer takes that kind of work)
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
@r_sail but I think the Northlanders gig was much easier for her than other work– so I dont want to put that on him.
— Brandon Graham (@royalboiler) October 24, 2013
The conversation continues…
UPDATE: And apologies to Brandon Thomas for some misattribution there…