Posted in: Comics | Tagged: calendars, Comics, entertainment, milk, nudity, superheroes
They're Not Naked Superheroes, They're Wearing Strawberry Milk
Last year photography studio Aurum Light released a pinup calendar featuring women in states of undress with their modesty (barely) covered by milk, splashed over them and frozen in mid air. Coca-Cola's advertising agency paid to use the idea to promote Fairlife Milk, making the images a little more acceptable for mainstream America.
This year, Aurum Light have added a little color to the milk. And, with a number of exposures, have used the colour milk splashes to resemble superhero costumes.
Venom, Storm, Supergirl, Ms Marvel, Emma Frost, Catwoman, Batgirl, Elektra, Wonder Woman, She-Hulk, Ms Marvel, Elektra and more, all cosplay favourites, now portrayed (with minor censorship on Bleeding Cool's part) in milk. You can see the originals, and order the calendar for yourself here.
But the big question to ask is where are the men? I get the feeling that a calendar with men being splashed with colour liquid to resemble Dick Grayson, Clint Barton, Peter Quinn, Daryll might do even better…
Though I might need a differently shaped black bar.