Gerry Duggan and Giuseppe Camuncoli’s Godzilla Vs Hulk and Joe Kelly and Nick Bradshaw’s Godzilla Vs Spider-Man, arrive in April.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: black panther, breakfast, Brian Stelfreeze, c2e2, Comics, entertainment, marvel, spawn, ta nehesi coates
Marvel Announces At C2E2 That Black Panther Has Sold Over 300,000 Copies Of Issue #1
Presented by Marvel SVP David Gabriel, live from the Marvel presentation at the Diamond Retailer Breakfast at C2E2. That the first issue of Black Panther by Ta-Nehesi Coates and Brian Stelfreeze... has sold over 300,000 copies to comic stores.
That is… quite a lot. It may be the highest ordered comic featuring a solo black lead since Spawn…
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