Preview: Grant Morrison & Matt Fraction on Ice Cream Man #43 with W. Maxwell Prince, Martín Morazzo and Chris O’Halloran
Posted in: Movies | Tagged: Comics, entertainment
Numbercrunching Asian Superheroes In The Movies Right Now
That there are now Asian superhero characters in the superhero movies is certainly a thing. But it might leave something to be desired.
@NerdyAsians numbercrunches X-Men Apocalypse and Suicide Squad.
Three asian superheroes
Six minutes of combined dialogue
Three minutes of that in Japanese for an English-speaking character
Recently DC Comics launched a new Chinese lead book New Super Man, and Marvel's SVP of Asia Brand Management and Development, CB Cebulski, says Marvel may see an Asian superhero, hinting Ms Marvel, Sunfire or Silk, leading a film in the next few years and is also looking for Asian creators to produce content for this market…
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