Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: barry allen, Cisco Ramon, cw, entertainment, flash, Savitar, television
CW's The Flash: Today, Tomorrow And Beyond
This week I'm going to take a look at some of the comic related television series and go over where they are at, where they might be going the rest of the season and where I'd like to see them go next season. Yesterday I did Supergirl, today it's the Flash.
I had some concerns coming into the third season. The first season was amazing and fun and featured the Reverse-Flash as the villain. The second season had Zoom and became more serious. We knew going in that the third season would start with Flashpoint and that we'd be dealing with Doctor Alchemy and Savitar. The idea of a third season with a speedster main villain worried me. I was hoping we'd get away from the speedster villains and lighten the series back up. Well, the new season hasn't been all about that, but rather about Barry screwing up and having to deal with the consequences. So that would be a no to the whole lighter mood. And instead of just Savitar as a bad speedster, we also got the Rival. And the good guys gained Jesse Quick and Kid-Flash.
The season also introduced us to Julian Albert who in turn was Doctor Alchemy, but not by his own choice. Seems the whole thing comes down to the Philosopher's Stone which gives powers and brings forward Savitar… not sure how that works yet and I have a feeling that may end up being the biggest surprise of all. The fall out of Flashpoint has been big, but I get the feeling that we've only seen the tip of the iceberg here and that while the focus of the show will switch, we'll get back to it by the end of the season.
The other big things we've seen is Caitlin Snow has the powers of Killer Frost now and seems to be slowly losing herself to them. We had to deal with a rift between Cisco Ramon and Barry Allen that actually came across as more annoying than dramatic. And we got a new Harrison Wells for the season who is kind of… well… annoying. The season has been interesting so far, but I miss the humor and adventure of the first season.
When the show comes back on January 24th, they're going to go straight into dealing with what Barry saw in the future when he and Jay Garrick threw the stone into the Speed Force. Barry knows that Iris West is going to die and then there is the prophecy of death, betrayal and loss. Seems the dark tone will continue. There is also Wally West learning to use his powers. Seems like there will be some friction between he and Barry. But I doubt that it's jealousy or anything like that but rather the weight of what he saw making him irritable. The CWverse is not a fan of secrets, so I expect the truth will come out quickly and then everyone will be working to prevent that from happening.
What might be fun is the introduction of Gypsy to the series. Another of the Justice League Detroit characters and someone to help Vibe use his powers. Giving Cisco someone new to play with could be really entertaining and an interesting new dynamic. I think we'll continue to see Julian Albert, but in a more friendly and helpful role. I don't think he'll join Team Flash, but I think he could be an asset just the same. On the other hand, I have a feeling that H.R. is very far from what he seems. We already had the reveal that he isn't the genius version we're used to seeing, but rather a muse and ideas guy. But maybe he's not even that. He uses a face changer so people don't see him as Harrison Wells. But maybe he already uses that to make him look like Wells. What if H.R. is actually a Flash villain from the future, one that uses illusion technology to do magic? And what if Savitar is also one of his creations? He's the god of speed because he keeps saying he is, and he can only be seen by speedsters. But he doesn't move like a speedster, more like he's constantly teleporting. Maybe we've already met Abra Kadabra.
Now taking a look at what I'd like to see them do in season four, its very simple. 1. No more time traveling. Things just keep getting messed up. 2. No more speedsters. On either side. There's Flash, Kid Flash, Jay Garrick, Jesse Quick, Reverse-Flash, Zoom, Savitar, The Rival and we've seen photos of the Accelerated Man. 3. Lighten back up a bit. Barry is supposed to enjoy being the Flash. and 4. Focus on the Rogues. I think the fourth season should be Rogue War and bring back the villains we've been introduced to. Plus… Captain Cold and Heatwave need to come back. They've spent enough time away. They come back and pull a crew together while Mirror Master decides to put a crew of his own together and we've got Rogue War. We also need to see Cisco fully become Vibe, costume and all plus it would be nice to see what really happened to Ronnie Raymond. He fell through the portal, he might've survived.