Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Airport, immigration ban, Lauren Sisselman, protest, trump
Breaking: Bleeding Cool's Lauren Sisselman Is On The Ground At Baltimore/Washington International Airport Protest
One of our own is making us proud out on the front lines of the protest, currently taking place at the Baltimore/Washington International Airport. The protest is one of the many currently taking place around the country, pushing back on Mr. Trump's executive order from Friday banning travelers arriving in from seven predominantly Muslim nations.
Her first image sent was of a handful of early arrivals waiting on the sidewalk for the start time of 5 p.m. EST. Speaking with Lauren via Messenger, we asked her if this was any different of a feeling with prior protests, and she said this was actually her first time joining in a protest effort. We asked her why she chose to join now?
It's been clear that America is heading towards an identity crisis (actually we're probably there already), and I knew that these protests are a piece of history in the making. With many Jewish friends, I felt strongly that I needed to be here and stand behind our Muslim friends. The phrase gets bantered around frequently, "Never Again", and if we don't have people standing up for what we believe in, then it will happen again.
Congressman John Sarbanes has also arrived and is speaking to the assembled.
Since then additional images have begun to appear on social media.The first is a currently live feed from the gathering: