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Major Action Comics #976 Spoilers – What It Means For The DC Universe, Rebirth, Superman And Lois Lane
This is so much of a spoiler that it is not being published on the front page of Bleeding Cool. It is not being tweeted out or posted to Facebook. In fact, the only possible way you could have found it is by searching for it – or from a link by someone who searched for it.
Because, yes, this is the big spoiler for this week's Action Comics #976, leaked to Bleeding Cool by persons unknown, that shows the reveal of exactly how the DC Comics universe is being rewritten by this issue…
As promised, as teased, this week's Action Comics #976 changes the game for DC Comics and the DC Rebirth Universe. And especially for Superman, Lois Lane and Superboy.
Last week we saw Jonathan Kent, Superboy, meet the energy forms of the New 52 Superman and the New 52 Lois Lane, and if that means nothing to you, just turn away now because it's not going to get any easier. And then saw them made flesh, replacing the Pre-52 versions.
Oh yes, and this is the last comic when we are going to use those terms to describe Superman and Lois Lane.
Mr Mxyzptlk revealing that there's someone else, the real trouble – presumably Mr Oz who was able to imprison him? And behind the Superman splitting from last issue? Anyway, time for Jonathan Kent to use his newly-discovered superconvincing powers.
How could you doubt those wide eyes?
So we have New 52 Superman and New 52 Lois Lane being convinced by Jonathan Clark as to exactly who he is… and being introduced to the Pre 52 versions of themselves who are now energy forms. Switcheroo.
And that's it, folks. The Pre 52 and the New 52 versions of Superman and Lois Lane merging, remembering… and not just them.
Everything and everyone having happened, existing and remembering simultaneously. The DC Universe being rewritten once more around Superman and Lois Lane. And fixing what Mr Oz had put asunder. The New 52 and the Pre 52 acting as one. There is one Superman and one Lois Lane and there always was. They are married. And they have a son.
What this means for Jonathan Carroll, Lois Lane's boyfriend during the New 52 is not mentioned. But if this version is consistent with the memories of all – was Lois cheating on Clark for that period, as far as Jonathan is concerned?
And for that matter, what about Superman and Wonder Woman? Could he and Lois have been… on a break? This new timeline doesn't seem to have any room for them, but accepts that both are real.
Moving on… the powers that be do indeed notice what's going on. And confirming that Mr Oz is not the all-powerful. There is a "he" above it all. Dr Manhattan?
And "he" looks like he lives on Mars.
I'm sure we remember the DC Universe Rebirth Special… on the Red Planet.
Next issue? Exploring the newly created Superman world.
Action Comics #976 by Dan Jurgens, Doug Mahnke and Jaime Mendoza will be published on Wednesday by DC Comics. I was never here, right?