Posted in: Comics | Tagged: c2e2, Comics, dc, summit
Gendercrunching Special – It's Called Master Class, Not Mistress Class
With the announcement of a whole stack of new comic books with new characters from big names at DC Comics, for their Master Class/Dark Matter/New Age Of DC Heroes line, there has been some comment that there don't seem to be any women involved.
Like, at all. Every creator of the named titles is a man.
Clue is in the name, folks. "Master" Class. As in Master Lee, Master Romita, Master Capullo, Master DiDio etc. They may allow some women to colour the comics, letter the comics or even be assistant editors. But this is about the men.
I'm sure that DC Comics is lining up a Mistress Class to follow it, with only female writers and artists. Gail Simone, Nicola Scott, Emanuela Lupacchino, Amanda Conner, people like that. Subtitled Pink Matter. Any day now.
*Taps watch.*
Marvel got in trouble when they said retailers were asking for less diversity. DC Comics seems to have just not let it bother them.
Instead we get Immortal Men….