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Watchmentions In Action Comics #991 – What's With Dr Manhattan, Fathers And Sons?
Okay, so, it does seem that Bleeding Cool speculation that Jor-El was another Kryptonian villain masquerading as Jor-El was off the money. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. Today's Action Comics #991 seems to underline that this is the real actual Jor-El returned to life, but that his behaviour was amended, influenced, reversed by… well… okay, that still seems to be Dr Manhattan.
Who, for some reason, really has a thing about fathers and sons. In Watchmen, Dr Manhattan's previous human self Jon Osterman did have a strong relationship with his father, who initially taught him in the ways of watchmaking and underlines one of the themes of the stories, control from the micro level reflected in performance at the macro level, and was one of the reasons the comic was called Watchmen. But then made him aband his profession and sent him into the world of science. Atomic research. And eventually the accident that would turn him into a god.His father created Dr Manhattan in more ways than one. And so we have seen two major incursions of Dr Manhattan into the DC Universe. One where he got Bruce Wayne to meet his father, Thomas Wayne, from another version of Batman, and got him to say the following to Bruce.
…and for the Batman to stand, not answering the Bat Signal…
While in Action Comics, Dr Manhattan rescued Superman's father from the destruction of Krypton and used him to try and get Superman to stop being Superman. To leave Earth to its own devices and save his own family. And today we discover it was all a lie.
Man, Dr Manhattan really has it in for fathers and sons, hasn't he? Oh and in other Watchmen related news, Jor-El has left rather a mess behind him…
…which does rather remind one of another bank of screens….
Jor-El was never Ozymandias, as was originally teased. And, it seems, because of Superman, he didn't do it…
Any other Watchmentions in DC Comics today? Detective Comics?
Okay, okay, that one might be a stretch.
Action Comics #991 is by Dan Jurgens, Viktor Bogdanovic, Trevor Scott, Scott Hanna and Mike Spicer, and is published by DC Comics today.