Posted in: Comics | Tagged: cancellations, marvel, Tom Taylor, x-men, x-men red
It's Official: X-Men Red Stealth-Canceled with December's X-Men Red #11
Were you holding out hope that, despite the end of all the other X-Men team books to make room for a weekly Uncanny X-Men, your beloved X-Men Red would continue? Sorry about your damn luck: X-Men Red is dead as a doornail, just as Bleeding Cool told you it would be (pip pip), and unlike its lead character, it won't be getting resurreXted. And it probably should have been no surprise, considering writer Tom Taylor lobbied for and received a gig writing Spider-Man. But still, we're all a little sad to see X-Men Red go.
There's no issue of X-Men Red in Marvel's January solicitations, confirming the book is done, at least as much as Marvel ever confirms a book is canceled, which is by not soliciting it and hoping nobody will notice. This means the last issue of X-Men Red will be December's X-Men Red #11, which did feature a pretty final-sounding solicit as well.
The X-Men have battled valiantly against their powerful psychic foe, Cassandra Nova, since the moment she framed Jean Grey for murder on the world stage. They have been hunted. They have been hated. And now…they can fight no more.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
But never fear, X-fans. Marvel's already got a big X-over planned for 2019, and who knows what new X-books they'll launch out of that?