Posted in: Comics | Tagged: #xmenmonday, marvel, x-men
Instead of Answers, Marvel Delivers Nothing But Questions for #XMenMonday
With ThanXgiving behind us, and X-Mas yet to come, the holiest of weekly comic book holidays has come around again. Yes, of course, we're talking about X-Men Monday, the day in which, as the ancient covenant decrees, Marvel shalt deliver upon Twitter previews of upcoming X-Men comics. But today, rather than giving us sneak peeks at upcoming books, Marvel X-Editor Jordan White instead decided to ask questions. Specifically, questions about costumes.
White asked readers to vote in polls to choose their favorite X-Men costumes, starting with the best X-Man, Cyclops, and continuing through the roster through the worst X-Man, Wolverine.
But White wasn't the only one in the X-offices to ask questions rather than provide answers, as Zac "Zack" Thompson asked:
While classic X-scribe and janitor who co-creator Deadpool Fabian Nicieza responded to White:
It was only the always-reliable Kelly Thompson who provided any inkling of a preview, from Mr. and Mrs. X #6.
Hopefully, we'll get more previews next week, though it's worth noting that White did provide panels from 9 upcoming X-Men comics last week, so maybe there's a refraXtory period before Marvel can share any more previews. Well, at least let us know your costume thoughts in the comments.