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Did Your Comic Store Sell Heroes In Crisis #4, Action #1006, Champions #1, Detective #995, Infinity Wars: Infinity Early?
Diamond Comic Distributors operate a strict street-fate policy for comic books, with most stores receiving them the day before publication date, and having to hold them until the following day. Retailers pay $5 into a fund each week to pay for secret shoppers to keep their competitors in line. And this past week, there was more pressure as shops received two Wednesdays worth of comics in one shipment, due to the Christmas break.
While that restriction seemed to hold, Diamond's decision to ship books earlier this week, ahead of sale for next Wednesday seems to have been a hold too far. Retailers were told they could sell the Diamond PReviews-related catalogues straight away but to hold everything else.
Not everyone may have got the memo…
From Connecticut:
And Alaska:
And Sacramento…
There are lots of spoilers running around out there, so do be carefel. But here is how DC Comics is handling their tribute to the late Stan Lee, who would have been 96 yesterday.