Posted in: Comics | Tagged: #xmenmonday, jordan white, marvel, x-men
X-Men Monday Future in Doubt as Jordan White Demands Praise to Continue?
It's been ten weeks since power mad Marvel Senior Editor Jordan White absconded with the #XMenMonday hashtag, taking it to Adventures in Poor Taste as an X-CLUSIVE weekly Q&A column. Already, it seems, White is seemingly having second thoughts about the column, taking to Twitter Tuesday night to request praise and adulation for the column and hinting that he might stop doing them if the people don't give him what he wants.
In addition to the "decent amount of time" it takes to write up the column each week, White complained that readers don't seem to appreciate his answers, noting that he mostly sees "people talking about how awful I am" and saying "it can be hard to be motivated to continue them."
White's tweet did elicit the praise he was looking for, at least from some of White's X-office writers, with Zac Thompson claiming to read it every Monday.
Though Matthew Rosenberg, returning once again from his Twitter hiatus, offered mixed praise, saying that he likes the column but X-pressing disappointment that White doesn't talk trash about Ed Brisson enough.
Perhaps White is feeling down because, since moving the column to Adventures in Poor Taste, Bleeding Cool has made less attempts to spin his tweets into clickbait articles. Shortly before being promoted to the Senior Editor role, White bragged on Twitter that he could make Bleeding Cool tweet about anything he wanted simply by withholding X-Men Monday tweets. However, since launching the column at Adventures in Poor Taste, we've felt less need to pay attention to White's Twitter, since the team at AiPT does such a great job of covering the X-Men with White each Monday (with the exception of Chris Hassan's stubborn refusal to ask our question about Chris Claremont writing an ongoing series, even though we dutifully ask it each week) that there's no need for us to do anything more.
Occasionally, White and AiPT will give us a salacious clickbait headline from the column, which we appreciate, but more often, we simply suggest people read AiPT's column in our own X-cellent Monday X-Men column, X-ual Healing. Yes, we enjoy reading X-Men Monday at AiPT and we think everyone should read it too. So stop fishing for compliments, White, and get to work answering that Claremont question already!
Read the latest X-Men Monday column here.