So what is Jonathan Hickman, Iban Coello and Federico Vicentini's Imperial from Marvel Comics about anyway?
Posted in: Comics, NYCC | Tagged: cosplay, NYCC, walt disney's frozen
A Heavy Barrage of Cosplay From NYCC 2019 Day Two…. 52 Shots Including "Walt Disney's Frozen"
Yesterday we ran a little light smattering of cosplay from Day One of the New York Comic Con. As we saidf then, cosplay takes commitment. Time. Money. Transportation, Availability. Which means it's less likely to be seen on the Thursday of a comic convention like New York Comic Con.
But on Friday there was more. Significantly more. Who knows what Saturday will look like? But here's some from Day Two of NYCC, taken by Adi Tantimedh, Amanda Gurrall, Mike Sangegorio, Richard Epstein and Dan Celko for Bleeding Cool. And if you see yourself, let us know…

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