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Fallen Angels #4, Folklore #2, Dark Crystal … Sold Out! Incoming #1 Gone! The Back Order List 12/18 and 12/26/2019
Every week your Local Comic Book Shop gets in the weekly assortment of comics, trades, posters, action figures, and other goodies from Diamond. Now some of these goodies sell our fast from your LCBS, so Tuesday and Wednesday LCBS retailers get on the phone (more often the computer) and let Diamond know they need more. Or sometimes they go to unpack those Diamond boxes and find items missing, or too damaged to sell (it does happen), retailers have to let Diamond know. However, the phrase no retailer likes to hear when they go to report those shortages, damages, or reorders is: "Sorry that item is on backorder", which means there are no more copies to send out from the Diamond warehouse.
So the biggest comic book week of the year brought a lot of books for everyone to get before the Christmas holiday. Also so Diamond could take the week off next week, all titles for sale on December 26th also shipped to stores with all the December 18th books. The December 26th books are on hold, not to be sold until next week, but still their damages and reorders will have already been called in. So what sold out and went to Back Order?
Well following sellouts for Fallen Angel #1, #2, and #3 … #4 goes to Back Order as well.
New Mutants #4
And Excailber #4
And X-Force #4 … did not go to Back Order though. Though by this weekend that could change…
In addition another independent title for Boom is on Back Order as all covers for Folklords #2
Are gone…
Another Back Order title is Jim Henson's Dark Crystal Age of Resistance #4 main cover, probably due to the renewed interest from the Netflix show, and a low print run.
And then there is the one odd Back Order title from next week… Incoming #1. Asecond print has already been announced for it, so a sellout of the main cover isn't surprising…
But EVERY cover is on Back Order and all the remaining copies of each cover, all of them … are gone…
The main Gleason cover
The Greene cover
The Molina party cover
And the Weaver cover
All gone… all pulped, but why?
For this week, nothing else was on Back Order by Wednesday, maybe because there was so much to buy people spread out their spending, or people are spending money on other things as Christmas approaches. So no sell outs for
The last Annihilation title…
The last 2099 titles…
Or Batman The Last Knight #3 …
Or Doomsday Clock #12 (though the FOC Yellow Cover is close to gone) …
On the other side Marvel overshipped Revenge of Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 main cover so there should be plenty of those around.
So if you are your LCBS and see any of these "back order titles" grab them if you want them, because Diamond won't be sending anymore 1st prints no matter how much your local retailer asks.