Dan Wickline Archives

Tom Hardy Does Double Duty In Legend
If you are looking at the Mad Max trailer and thinking, "what this movie needs is more Hardy"... then maybe you should try the movie Legend. Based on the
The Joker 75th Anniversary Giveaway
The Joker is celebrating his 75th Anniversary this year, and DC Entertainment is giving away a huge prize pack focused on the Clown Prince of Crime. It
Oliver Queen – Villain Of The Week
Oliver Queen has accepted the offer to be the new heir to Ra's al Ghul, the problem is that there is an old heir still out there and Ra's sends Oliver to
A New Status Quo For Team Arrow
With all the big action moments this season, sometimes what makes Arrow good are the quite character moments. In this clip from Al Sah-Him, John Diggle,
Are You Worthy To Lift Thor's Hammer?
As a prank to celebrate the release of Avengers: Age Of Ultron, a group called Trollstation decided to use Gorilla Glue to stick a replica of Mjlionir to