Rich Johnston Archives

Phantom TV Pilot Trailer For SyFy
"I'm not wearing that" This is the story of the 22nd Phantom, starring Ryan Carnes, written by one of the Carnivale fellows and one more attempt to try
Robot Chicken Writes Jughead
Tom Root, co-producer and co-head writer of the successful Robot Chicken series for Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network is writing comics.... and it's
CB Cebulski Vs Wizard Magazine
CB Cebulski is Marvel's full time Talent Manager these days. With a history of writing and publishing comics for himself, through Image and talking the
Do Anything 018 by Warren Ellis
018 Story-strips.  It made more sense to me than a lot of other replacement terms for comics.  It reminded me of the early childhood where the British
Foreword To SuperFogeys
I was asked to write a foreword to the upcoming first volume of Superfogeys, by Brock Heasley, the online strip about superheroes in a care home. Here you
Top Five Yeti DNA In Comics
Today is Yeti DNA Monday. And to celebrate, some Yeti-ish creatures familiar to comics readers. Walter Langowski - The Sasquatch. A Canadian scientist
2009 Ignatz Awards – Results
Last night, the SPX hosted the 2009 Ignatz Awards, celebrating independent comics, with Jordan Crane nabbing two for the superb Uptight comic. But what's
A Little Pre-Look At SPX
SPX, the Small Press Expo, the largest indie comics convention in the world, opens its doors today in Bethsada, Maryland. And local boy Rafer Roberts of
SPX: The DC Conspiracy Table
As just mentioned, the third DC Conspiracy anthology, The Spoils Of Crime, debuts at SPX today. Here's a brief look at the stories available... And they