Rich Johnston Archives

Short 'n Curlies #12 by Si Spurrier
The Keyboard Is My FuckMonkey: Let's talk Plotting. I know: the wits'n'wags out there are already festering-up (or at least anticipating) a bad joke about
Last Day Of Beanoland Got Messy
Earlier this week, Bleeding Cool reported on the closure of the Beanoland theme park at Chessington World Of Adventures. Based on the British weekly comic
Staz Johnson's Dracula
Staz Johnson was recently mentioned as the artist on the nippletassletastic Agent Provocateur comic books. But he's been turning his hand to something
Steve Bissette's SPX Close Ups
Two images by Steve Bissette from this weekend's SPX-launching 4 Square: Dark Corners, available at the IKJK table (area F). It's a ten inch by ten inch
Swipe File: Agog At Magog
Did anyone else seeing Magog's mother Alba, designed by Howard Porter, on the DC blog The Source get a sudden flash to Queen Amidala from Star Wars: The
Do Anything 017 by Warren Ellis
017 It's right there on the cover of Jack Kirby's 1980s miniseries SILVER STAR, a comics version of a screenplay he wrote and never sold in the 1970s: "A
Bat Suit Dropped
Does clothes maketh the man? What's in a suit? This summer, DC Comics sought to answer these questions with a suit of its own. A lawsuit against Jonny
EXCLUSIVE: Marvel UK-Less This Week
Are you a British comic buyer? Are you a Marvel fan? Are you expecting to go into your shop this Thursday and pick up any of the following - Avengers
New Movie – New Mutants?
Friend of Bleeding Cool, Brendon Connelly, has been flown out to the West Coast to talk Slashfilmy stuff. First up, he's been asking Lauren Shuler Donner
Alan Moore Talks Blackest Night
Kurt Amacker has continued his interview with Alan Moore at Mania. While recapping his opinions, over how he negatively influenced his superhero genre as