Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, crossed, entertainment, providence, sandman
35 Thoughts About 35 Of Today's Comics – From Alan Moore To Neil Gaiman To Howard The Duck
It's a good day isn't it? Neil Gaiman writing the last issue of Sandman Overture with JH Williams, like it's Secret Wars done right…. and giving us some piggables along the way, courtesy of Delirium. Piggable plushies for Christmas anyone?
And then we have Providence #5 by Alan Moore and Jacen Burrows, taking us to the real versions that HP Lovecraft's locations were based upon, and filling them with his characters, who on the surface could remain innocent, as do the houses, trees and other features, yet constantly fill the reader with dread as the panel lingers over certain details… and, a girl after my own heart as well.
Even Agent May in The Cavalry #1 seems to discover that gossip can have it's upside when building a reputation. And a reputation for being anti-robot.
They could have used her over in Zombies vs Robots #9. I mean, the zombies could have used her. If she wanted to fight alongside zombies, it's quite the dilemma.
Or in Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye, just have more tragic Robot-On-Robot crime. They're killing a generation. That's if they couldn't be easily repaired. Still, whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Apart from Polio. But what about the Crossed?
That's the debate in Crossed Badlands #85. Is there a purpose..? Because we all know where it all leads…
Munchkin #9 has my kind of Apocalypse survivor though. I do think Crossed would be improved by a constantly updating Tumblr page from the survivors. And from the Crossed…
Mercury Heat #4 gives us The Martian meets Speed…. can you outrun the sun? The future's so bright you've got to stay in the shade. Sunburn is a lot more serious here… and that looks like a big hole.
Zander Cannon's Kaijumax #6 might have proved useful there. Also, do I have to go to the urban dictionary to look up Redking?
As for that future, we have Crossed +100. With #9 possibly giving me my favourite future wordplay to date. Of course that's how that word is going to change…
Though, as with Spread, it's always more about what the people can do more than the supposed monsters…
Twilight Children #1, in the back of Sandman Overture #6, is a rather Wyndham tale transported to the Americas with Darwyn Cooke channelling a little love of Love And Rockets into his art, inspired by writer Gilbert Hernandez?
And if you are not sure of your own mind… look at this bird brain. Straight from Colder: Toss The Bones #1…
Maybe they could do with a ball fondler from Ricky & Morty though?
In SHIELD #9, as Fitz and Howard The Duck team up, we see the long term structural harm of Spider-Verse. Looks like all the Slott-haters were right…
Even in an off-continuity Batman Arkham Knight Annual #1, no one need two guns for that, not even Alfred. Overkill, sir, overkill.
I forget people it's true. Faces names, they become a blur, so I feel for Deadshot in New Suicide Squad Annual #1, I do. It's just, I don't think I'd ever be able to forget Parasite…
It's Cold War joke time, courtesy of American Vampire: Second Cycle #10. Or Vamps In Space as everyone else is calling it.
While King: Prince Valiant #4 gives us Princes In Space. Not as funny as vampires though.
Postal #7 shares the pain of playing music out of key…
…While From Under Mountains #1 enjoys a little self deceit.
There is no proper procedure being followed in Stringers #6. Honestly, that's your tax dollars at work. You should write to your Senator, he might send out the troops…
Vampirella Annual 2015 – there to frighten the frighteners. And it works.
Red Sonja/Jungle Girl #3 has a new recipe idea. Take three potatoes, slay a monster, mince up the offal and mix it with sawdust and emulsifier, encase the result in small tubes and fry them on the pan. Mash the potates and serve with gravy…
And then stick them in the freezer where they can be ignored for all eternity. Like may have happened in Bee & Puppy Cat #9
The Amazing World Of Gumball Grab Bag Special values the power of positive thinking… even if some folks reject it.
While The Infinite Loop #6 shows us the explosive nature of action informed by haters instead…
And not even the mini-Jems And The Holograms can get along at a much more innocent stage in their Annual 2015
Even Godzilla can't find peace. Well, he is in hell, I suppose. Godzilla in Hell #3. Where his concept of hell, as is mine, is to be annyed by buzzing insects. Just he is in a position to do something about it…
Well, it is a strong service economy. Drive #2 lays out the plight of the LA serf…
Dirk Gently meets his end in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency #4. But remember, this is just one turn on the dimensional safe lock… and it just needs someone to turn it slightly…
Book Of Death: Fall Of Harbinger #1. And some heartfelt truths. Is he forgiven? By Kris – or by the readers? It is the end…
They're in the mid-Atlantic. The mid-Atlantic. But Bucky can still dive to the bottom of the sea bed to rescue Cap in today's Captain America: White. Man, they were simpler times…
And do you ever have a scratch that you just can't reach? Drifter #8 knows that only too well.
Morning Glories #48 holds an election debate that didn't seem too out of kilter with what Donald Trump was saying last time…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Who will be hosting the 2015 Jonathan Cape/ Observer/ ComicaGraphic Short Story Prize exhibition, with a private view on October 15th, and an exhibition through till the end of the month.